Its almost my birthday, New Years at midnight, the big 2-4 ahahahahha
I have nothing planned I'm so lame and lazy.
Probably just going to watch the ball drop on tv and drink me a bottle of captain's finest!
Hope everyone has something delicious planned so I can live vicairously through you all.
I have no one to get me gifts so if any of you want to send me a toothpick or a wet nap or something let me know!
I love mail
I have nothing planned I'm so lame and lazy.
Probably just going to watch the ball drop on tv and drink me a bottle of captain's finest!

Hope everyone has something delicious planned so I can live vicairously through you all.
I have no one to get me gifts so if any of you want to send me a toothpick or a wet nap or something let me know!
I love mail


happy birthday!

Brave koala bears holding glass candles on their birthdays, shouting, "Hey! It's the best here."