Got Devil's Rejects yesterday and I'm madly disappointed. I heard so much great hype from everyone I know and personally I don't care for it. It has its moments but all in all nothing exceptional. Ah well
However , the shining moment of utter tastiness is The Warriors - The Ultimate Director's Cut !!!!! Its pure magic! Man I love this movie.
My hellblazer comics came week before last and it was well weeeelll worth the wait! I ordered another which hopefully doesn't take as long to get to me 'cause these books are like crack!
I had myself a bit of nostalgic time last week. I've been missing my old neighborhood so I started looking online for pics of any place I could find and found a walkthrough of fresh pond rd, as well as the church I went to school at when I was younger. It was and still is extremely exciting!
If anyones curious here are some of my findings:
The bank my grandma frequented every saturday (long story)
and to save billions of pics the links to my old school:
Our Lady of Miraculous Medal
and lastly fresh pond road, the extensive shopping area we spent many weekends at:
Fresh Pond Road
So much time has passed but everything looks the same its fantastic!
Anyway I've got some reading to do
Hope everyone's having fun times
However , the shining moment of utter tastiness is The Warriors - The Ultimate Director's Cut !!!!! Its pure magic! Man I love this movie.
My hellblazer comics came week before last and it was well weeeelll worth the wait! I ordered another which hopefully doesn't take as long to get to me 'cause these books are like crack!
I had myself a bit of nostalgic time last week. I've been missing my old neighborhood so I started looking online for pics of any place I could find and found a walkthrough of fresh pond rd, as well as the church I went to school at when I was younger. It was and still is extremely exciting!
If anyones curious here are some of my findings:
The bank my grandma frequented every saturday (long story)

and to save billions of pics the links to my old school:
Our Lady of Miraculous Medal
and lastly fresh pond road, the extensive shopping area we spent many weekends at:
Fresh Pond Road
So much time has passed but everything looks the same its fantastic!
Anyway I've got some reading to do
Hope everyone's having fun times