so I was tagged by the lovely @fluffrowe and was hesitant at first because I usually never participate in these things either. But why the heck not u know. Alrightyyy here we go
Tattoos........................ 5! My new chest piece, a butterfly, the word ‘daisy’, the numbers ‘761’ on my finger and on my right arm the girl with a wolf.
Piercings..................... right now I have 5 piercings. tongue, vertical labret, septum, and nipples, which either could be seen as 1 or two. So depending on that I have 4 or 5 piercings total now XD
And a few retired piercings.
Marriages.................... 0
Divorces...................... 0
Proposals.................... 0
Children....................... 0
Surgeries..................... 0
Shot a gun................... nope nevaaa.
Quit a job..................... oh hell yes pssht.
100+miles in a car...... yup, but I was the passenger, maybe when I have a car myself some day hehe.
Hit a deer.................... nope.
zip lining...................... oh yesyes, and god it was fun and scary at the same time. It was this survival parcours and I have a fear of heights… so u know, it was a challenge from the get go. At last I finally could enjoy myself and push myself over my fears, the cherry on the cake was a final zip line and I was like speedy gonzales going down that zip line and hit against a step up at the end with my shin full force and could barely walk right after that. BUT IT WAS FUN 😂😩
Cried over someone.... yep.
Fallen in love............... yep.
Watched someone give birth... nope
Watched someone die..... yep, it was something I’ll never ever forget. It isn’t what u might think, a gruesome death. The contrary actually, it was a very delicate death. Though painful to have lost someone.
Been to Canada......... nope.
Ridden in an ambulance..... nope.
Visited Las Vegas....... nope.
Sang karaoke............. naaahh always been to shy to do so, who knows in the future >.<
Been downhill skiing....... no BUT I really reallyyyyy wish to go snowboarding someday brooo.
Ridden on a horse....... nope.
Stayed in a hospital..... nope, I mean not for a night sleep or anything.
Donated blood............. nope.
Ridden in the back of a police car...... nope, I’m a good girl u know ;)
I’ll pass this number game on to you guys😘 @witchie @minzi @fullfeeling @kiddcash99 @knives @jadestone