I have a job interview today at the tattoo shop i go to.
Im so effin excited
Its for receptionist... maybe i can finaly finish my aprenticship!
i hope they hire me
im to cute to not hire!
i dyed my hair Wildfire red last night
i needed a change, i havent had my hair red scince i was maybe 14 or 15....
ill post a picture later
i finaly got my sleeping pattern back to normal to... and i have no clue how i did it haha
i turn 20 in 6 days... i asked for bamboo steamers for my birthday so i can finaly make dumplings properly
im gettin a tattoo on the 30th on my calf... birthday present from my parents...
gonna be a sexy green cat girl
one on each calf eventualy
this ones all angry like with a gun
other ones stickin her tongue out all sexy like
fun stuff
Im so effin excited

Its for receptionist... maybe i can finaly finish my aprenticship!
i hope they hire me
im to cute to not hire!
i dyed my hair Wildfire red last night
i needed a change, i havent had my hair red scince i was maybe 14 or 15....
ill post a picture later
i finaly got my sleeping pattern back to normal to... and i have no clue how i did it haha
i turn 20 in 6 days... i asked for bamboo steamers for my birthday so i can finaly make dumplings properly
im gettin a tattoo on the 30th on my calf... birthday present from my parents...
gonna be a sexy green cat girl
one on each calf eventualy
this ones all angry like with a gun
other ones stickin her tongue out all sexy like
fun stuff
that would be amazning!