WOOOOOOOOOOOO! im off the antibiotics...
on another note...
i just drank to much milk and feel like a bloated baby lol
i ate a pomagranate this after noon that was a little bigger than the size of a fuckin small bowling ball
and in the words of a friend i supposedly "ravaged it"
woo score 1 for me!
im so glad im off meds, now i can eat when ever i want to... wich is a lot hahaha and some how i never gain weight....
now when i say i eat alot i meen... im constantly munchin...
on weird stuff to.
some of my favorite foods are : red grapfruit, pomagranates, pickles, feta, brocholi, spinach, shrimp (im crazy retarded for any shrimp that come my way), cuttle fish, snails....
i love food, there are very few things i dont eat... i hate liver... and i dont eat baby animals like lamb or veal... it makes me think about eating Lamb Chop from that show.. and that my friends creeps the shit outa me.... freaky sock puppet bitch *shudders*
i did used to watch the show when i was little and Hush Puppy is my home boy but keep that feakin lamb away!
i have a bad habit of eating when im bored... all my buddies point it out to me hahaha
Well now ive gone and tainted my mind with visions of that creepy sock puppet so i have nothing more to ramble about at the mo'
ill see all you squirrels later
i just found this and it terrifies me :

on another note...
i just drank to much milk and feel like a bloated baby lol
i ate a pomagranate this after noon that was a little bigger than the size of a fuckin small bowling ball

and in the words of a friend i supposedly "ravaged it"
woo score 1 for me!
im so glad im off meds, now i can eat when ever i want to... wich is a lot hahaha and some how i never gain weight....
now when i say i eat alot i meen... im constantly munchin...
on weird stuff to.
some of my favorite foods are : red grapfruit, pomagranates, pickles, feta, brocholi, spinach, shrimp (im crazy retarded for any shrimp that come my way), cuttle fish, snails....
i love food, there are very few things i dont eat... i hate liver... and i dont eat baby animals like lamb or veal... it makes me think about eating Lamb Chop from that show.. and that my friends creeps the shit outa me.... freaky sock puppet bitch *shudders*

i did used to watch the show when i was little and Hush Puppy is my home boy but keep that feakin lamb away!
i have a bad habit of eating when im bored... all my buddies point it out to me hahaha
Well now ive gone and tainted my mind with visions of that creepy sock puppet so i have nothing more to ramble about at the mo'
ill see all you squirrels later

i just found this and it terrifies me :

rednecks around the world all pop wood in thier pants