I've found peace with my sexuality which I have been referring to as "dirty fire" because that's what it feels like. in the most empowering sense.

I feel alot more liberated, and way more sexual. now that I have come to terms with who I am. which is fantastic.

still working on that paper I mentioned in an earlier post. maybe 2 down, or around...
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How have you been while I was in my funk?
so what exactly did you come to terms with concerning your sexuality?
Okay, so denial was never the answer.

but for the whole of my life I have been dwelling in it. at first it was just men, and I was content. but dammit. with a liberal family that will accept you any way you are...it was just to damn tempting to explore other options. and then those other options became half the explanation for my sexuality....
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I can totaly relate. I went through the same thing nearly three years ago. If you need an ear, I'm here. smile
We're all here for you. We shall overcome someday. (That is, overcome the stupid things we say.)
So what's the word?

okay so I started a new paper on Suicide girls and the Feminist community, if your interested in being interveiwed. please let me know.

things with ryan aren't so well, I think I'm just going to tell him that it's not working out. because it's not really.

um, I've been super busy lately. which I think is going to have to...
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you can interview me. i just need specific questions. rather than one openended "what is feminism to you mean" type of questions. but i would be more than happy to help you out
hi, i've been reading about your paper on feminism and suicide girls at the feminist group. It sounds very interesting! I think it will be very good to analyse this phenonemon from a feminist perspective...

i'm currently working on my phd. thesis about a new feminist discourse on sexuality (based on Luce Irigaray's work) and the suicide girls community. i've just started, so i'm not ready to start interviewing girls or anything.

but good luck on your work smile
i've you ever want to exchange literary sources or online stuff... just let me know smile

argh, being a wittness sucks.

The other night I was at the skate park with my partner watching him BMX, and some travel punks (new in town, never seen them before) were sitting on the otherside and at first they were all just hanging out and chilling. but then something happened and they started yelling at this one guy, and so they started kicking his...
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Here are my answers!

1. I've identified as being a feminist since I was about 16 I guess. I started learning about feminism right after I came out as bi. For me being queer was closely related to being a feminist because of the need to have equal rights for everyone.

2. I actually learned about SG through the message boards on bust.com, which is a feminist magazine/website. The members were discussing whether or not porn and erotica could be feminist and someone linked to SG as an example of feminist porn. I loved the girls I saw (at the time I think there were about 30!) and the fact that it was a porn site with active journals and message boards and girls who participated in both.

3. I've gotten so much flack from feminist communities and from feminists as individuals for being an SG and for doing nude modeling in general. I've had many people tell me that I couldn't truly be a feminist of i was a nude model, and I've even been told that my work is actually harming women and supporting the patriarchy. Of course I've also had very rational discussions with anti-porn feminists, so it hasn't been all bad.

4. I guess for me SG is mostly something I just enjoy doing and something that feels right to me. Though on some level I do feel that SG is doing a progressive thing: by having journals and board participation for the models it lessens the seperation in most mainstream porn between who the model is as a person and what her body looks like. The lack of visible personality in the models in a lot of porn is really disappointing and disturbing to me and I'm glad SG is different in that way.

5. I can't really comment on other industries as I've only ever done nude modeling but I do think that out of all the alt-porn sites and porn sites in general, SG has the most active, interesting, and closeknit community.

6. I've gained a ton of opportunities for activities through SG and through the people I've met on the site, and met lots of amazing people.

7. In the beginning SG was kind of a project for me to explore myself and new things, now it's really just a cool, fun part of my life.

8. I think that by saying women can't do or enjoy nude modeling for some reason is limiting them. And worse, I think it's treating women as if they are infants unable to make healthy decisions for themselves.

9. Not at all!

10. Yes, though some sites have a less active community only because their membership is smaller.

11. I like to think that by being vocally feminist on SG I might inspire people to look into feminism for themselves.
Hey, it's not like you could actually find these guys yourself and bring them to court. Don't worry about it, you did the right thing. Besides, your address is probably in some other databank somewhere whether you like it or not... did you know that british supermarkets know more about their customers than the government does?
So my partner partnerr, mike is back in town. super happy to see him. we were biking around today. Took part in the "reclaim the streets" halifax bike parade, it was so much fun. blocked traffic, my friend justin wore nothing but his breifs a pink tutu and some sparkels. I just wore my lingurei (however it's spelt) hmm, things with me and ryan. still...
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ahhh. life. bythe way i love your new profile pic. hey i started up my own business. there is a link to it in my journal. go check it out and give a hard working woman so business wink
How many ppl were at "Reclaim the Streets"? That sounds so fuckin awesome. Whenever I have the chance I like to do my part with Critical Mass, but last time we got into a little scuffle with five-O. So, things have been kinda low key.
hey comrads

whew what a week this week, so things with ryan went down and then came back up again, and are now just starting to level out and come to a nice steady plateu. awwww. but what happened was, he broke up with his partner for me, then felt bad so was thinking of going out with her and she basically told him "make...
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i love the idea of a pap smear part. i hate getting them done with a passion so it would be awesome to have something good to look forward afterward smile . if i lived near you i would so come
So the guy ryan I met (check last post) took me to the beach today, it was alot of fun didn't really do a whole lot else. tried to go swiming expect it was freezing so I chickened out. and as a result of going to the beach I am going to cape breton tomorrow with ryan, meet family, some sort of crazy party...etc etc....
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i wish i lived close to you i think we'd have some good times...

hey crew!

sooooo I got my new bike today, it's not a BMX but it's this beautiful city cruiser, I call the jungle iquana, because it kind of reminds me of a iquana for some reason. don't ask why, just accept it.

so I was cruising around the city today, I put some pink plastic roses on the handle bars to add my own little...
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Glad to hear things are going good. Hope everything works out for you.
Ouch. In the CHEST? That's cool though.
So I have fallen in love with montreal. and have met alot of really cool people. the other night, I think monday night, I climbed mont-royal with my friend jeremy and we slept at the look out point and it was so beautiful we woke up just in time to see the sun rise, and it was the most amazingly beauitful thing I have ever...
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montreal is friggin' awesome. did you go to foufoune electrique?
Yeah, Montreal is gorgeous. lucky you!
hey there ladies!

before I get started I recently created a group called DIYers unite, and it's all about DIY and anything goes DIY, so come share, learn, love, and enjoy our little family and collective of DIYers. http://suicidegirls.com/groups/DIYers+unite/

how's it going? me funny you should ask, I'm in an insane good mood, made some scrambled tofu with carrots and it was amazing! the weather...
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You totally stole my group idea. I still love you.