the sexiest time for a womyn! I love being on my period, and other womyn should too! no? why? because the kotex commercials say it's embrassing, because the bleached cotton flushables you mosh your cunt up with are clammy, and make you bleed more? because you get cramps, so you take some pills, so next month the cramps are worse??
well that's a sad fucking story, but there's a solution.
1. stop watching TV
2. buy a keeper, divacup, organic tampons, sea sponages, or washable pads.
3. drink red rasberry leaf tea. it helps strengthen and tone your uterus.
I feel so sexy and completely goddess like during my period. your period is a "guess what! your not pregnant, your blood flow is normal, so your healthy"sign. if only womyn weren't afraid of their blood, and new how to communicate with their body. I love my period, it gives me an exuse to soak in the tub for hours, it brings new joys to dancing *because movement helps with the cramps as well* period cycles have the same amount of days in them as the moon's cycle, how special is that. not to mention that if a group of womyn spend enough time together, their periods sync up.
I love my uterus, my overies, my tubes, my cunt and even my menstration cycle, it's beautiful, it is the origin of life. with out womyns wonderful gift....well their would be no us. it's a beautiful thing. it's a sexy thing, it's something to be reckoned with. so be for warned.
other than that.
not alot is knew, going to tea with a friend today, well assuming I can get a hold of him. otherwise It looks like it's just me and my period. oh wait, I have a meeting at 6:30, life is hard. hahaha. well I've got things to do, so enjoy this journal entry, and really think about the words offered here.
the sexiest time for a womyn! I love being on my period, and other womyn should too! no? why? because the kotex commercials say it's embrassing, because the bleached cotton flushables you mosh your cunt up with are clammy, and make you bleed more? because you get cramps, so you take some pills, so next month the cramps are worse??
well that's a sad fucking story, but there's a solution.
1. stop watching TV
2. buy a keeper, divacup, organic tampons, sea sponages, or washable pads.
3. drink red rasberry leaf tea. it helps strengthen and tone your uterus.
I feel so sexy and completely goddess like during my period. your period is a "guess what! your not pregnant, your blood flow is normal, so your healthy"sign. if only womyn weren't afraid of their blood, and new how to communicate with their body. I love my period, it gives me an exuse to soak in the tub for hours, it brings new joys to dancing *because movement helps with the cramps as well* period cycles have the same amount of days in them as the moon's cycle, how special is that. not to mention that if a group of womyn spend enough time together, their periods sync up.
I love my uterus, my overies, my tubes, my cunt and even my menstration cycle, it's beautiful, it is the origin of life. with out womyns wonderful gift....well their would be no us. it's a beautiful thing. it's a sexy thing, it's something to be reckoned with. so be for warned.
other than that.
not alot is knew, going to tea with a friend today, well assuming I can get a hold of him. otherwise It looks like it's just me and my period. oh wait, I have a meeting at 6:30, life is hard. hahaha. well I've got things to do, so enjoy this journal entry, and really think about the words offered here.
xoxo ang
the actions around his death are happening as we speak. I am making a large scale memorial to him, my friends are making one at the site back home, and a lot of CM"s and rider safety courses have sprung up in Portland as a result.
he would be happy, i know he would....