experienced a new feeling provoked by meditation. I went to the satsun jam session (a group of people that jam out and sing in sanskrit) anyways, during one of the last few songs I bent over into the fetal position to give my back a rest and got lost in thought, anyways I was walking home afterwards with my friend matty and all of sudden this intense feeling hit me like a ton of bricks, and just washed over my intier body...the feeling was very similar to being on E it was soooo intense though, and I could hardly believe the feeling. but it was totally brought on from meditating during sanskrit. but anyways, sanskrit was fun as usually I got to dance around a bit while singing the sanskrit. and other songs I got to bliss out sitting on the floor, eyes closed and singing sanskrit ahhh! I love satsuns, I was even feeling sick yesterday and today I'm just a bit hungry, haha. but no I woke up feeling this like intense feeling of everything is going to be okay. it was nice
oh also I mentioned that I walked home with matty, he came up to hang out with me and then I remembered he said that was thinking about me the last few days, so I asked later on what about and he told me that he really liked me. if you've been reading my last journal enteries, your going to think that's funny because I've been trying to stay faithful and loyal to my partner but all these guys just keep entering my life and create an obsticle. but I'm really in love with mike, and this isn't much of an obsticle I know I want to stay with him, there's no doudt in my mind.
oh right, and earlier today nathan told tom that I think he's an ass, but he told him thinking tom would get a kick out of it....he didn't. he got all pissed at me, and was just like freaking out, I told him to chill out and that's it's no big deal...he didn't talk to me for a little bit, but then he started acting right nice trying to make up for his poor choice of action. drama! gah! but whatever if tom want's to get all moody then that's fine, I just will do my best to friendly ignore him.
oh also I mentioned that I walked home with matty, he came up to hang out with me and then I remembered he said that was thinking about me the last few days, so I asked later on what about and he told me that he really liked me. if you've been reading my last journal enteries, your going to think that's funny because I've been trying to stay faithful and loyal to my partner but all these guys just keep entering my life and create an obsticle. but I'm really in love with mike, and this isn't much of an obsticle I know I want to stay with him, there's no doudt in my mind.
oh right, and earlier today nathan told tom that I think he's an ass, but he told him thinking tom would get a kick out of it....he didn't. he got all pissed at me, and was just like freaking out, I told him to chill out and that's it's no big deal...he didn't talk to me for a little bit, but then he started acting right nice trying to make up for his poor choice of action. drama! gah! but whatever if tom want's to get all moody then that's fine, I just will do my best to friendly ignore him.
wwhooahh sounds like in a bad movie but it really must have been a nice feeling, im sure i could use it as well!

hey... hope you had a good day...