whew, the past few days have been crazy. I've been hanging out with nathan's partner kerri, she's pure awesome. I get along with her really well. she's really nice and just an all around good person. had some crazy dreams last night, and I think one of them means that I am having trouble finding my way to a stable place, which is probably fairly true. well time to get back into the yoga routine more heavily. sigh, can't wait till this is all over. hmm, went to a show last night that was alot of fun a few of my friends were playing so I was guilted into going. video taped some of it too. but anyways, that's enough documentating my life. talk to you all later
Good to hear things are smoothing out for you. I start my new job tommorrow.
Many people here are not "white, europeans who enjoy speaking english", but some of them still give a try at making their posts that much more readable. Anyway, I enjoy the content of many of your posts, just have a hard time getting to the content sometimes. I didn't mean it as an attack, just an fyi.