So, for the last week and a half I wore the same fucking sweater, day in and day out. mainly because when I get up I seriously have to be out the door, and when I get home I just wanna crash. but yeah, so right now even I am not wearing it. I finally took it off. but now I've got this other shirt on, that the same thing will probably happen to. I blame it on train hopping, this wouldn't of happened if I never train hopped. but yeah. so now let's see how long I go before I take off my white is the 23, lets aim for the 14th of april? this is a new bet. anyways. oh right on another not so gross topic, I was on the bus the other day and I saw this man wearing a shirt that said "yes I have plenty of change you fucking homeless piece of shit, thanks for asking" so when I was getting off the bus I said "your shits fucking stupid" and the fucking jerk chased me!!! lucky I was only like a block away from big mitch's house. so I bolted it there, and when he opened the door, I like seriously just shoved myself inside. gah, you know standing up for other people and your friends is good...but not when your me and a fucking brick house is chasing after you. gah. oh well, another day another story.
a swift kick to the groin will take the fucker down
yeah that shirt is fucking stupid... if i could take away everything that guy owned and his family we'd see if how he thought about homelessness then... FUCKER!