Hey folks.
again I am lame. I've been waaay to busy to be on the internet as much as I use to be. however I'm slowly trying to stay in touch with people I met on here. (because some of you are rad).
Some time I am planning a trip to Montreal and Toronto. Well maybe just montreal, depends on how things turn out.
I'll be heading to Montreal for the Anarchist bookfair, and possibly meeting up with my greatly missed friend and lover. Justin Larose, who actually my first zine issue is themed after.
About my zine.
So basically I'm making a pornographic zine of myself as a way to reclaim my sexuality, to find release, to challenge peoples concepts of the relationship between sexual liberation and feminism, to challange peoples concept of beauty and image. It'll include self done nude portraits, poetry, essays, stories, Music reveiws from a sexual perspective and other little tid-bits that I find fit to add. If people are interested feel free to inquire about it
again I am lame. I've been waaay to busy to be on the internet as much as I use to be. however I'm slowly trying to stay in touch with people I met on here. (because some of you are rad).
Some time I am planning a trip to Montreal and Toronto. Well maybe just montreal, depends on how things turn out.
I'll be heading to Montreal for the Anarchist bookfair, and possibly meeting up with my greatly missed friend and lover. Justin Larose, who actually my first zine issue is themed after.
About my zine.
So basically I'm making a pornographic zine of myself as a way to reclaim my sexuality, to find release, to challenge peoples concepts of the relationship between sexual liberation and feminism, to challange peoples concept of beauty and image. It'll include self done nude portraits, poetry, essays, stories, Music reveiws from a sexual perspective and other little tid-bits that I find fit to add. If people are interested feel free to inquire about it
you look familar

Where will you be publishing it? What gave you the idea?