so I submitted my artwork to the feminist collective gallery.
the womyn sounded interested, but still no clear signs on whether I am in, if not I will get her to explain what's wrong so at least I can learn.
other news, things with my mystery (mystery to you that is) lover are going well. still keeping it from the rest of our friends. so all is good.
How to be a female artist
first cut your own hair really short, leave a rat tail and tye it up with crappy elastics. if it looks good, try again.
wear knee high skirts and china flat shoes. buy a sparkly scarf and wrap it around your neck.
next buy an antique pin. wear it on your turtle neck jacket.
buy a turtle neck jacket...preferably dark navy blue.
Silk screen your own t-shirts.
make the silk screens pictures of cheesy robots with little hearts.
lay on your kitchen floor and when your roommates ask what's up say "if every morning, I get up, if every noon hour I eat burnt toast, if ever night I lay my head to rest....then what has my life amounted to" or something to that effect
if you drink, only drink whine and gin
at breakfast
to be continued
the womyn sounded interested, but still no clear signs on whether I am in, if not I will get her to explain what's wrong so at least I can learn.
other news, things with my mystery (mystery to you that is) lover are going well. still keeping it from the rest of our friends. so all is good.
How to be a female artist
first cut your own hair really short, leave a rat tail and tye it up with crappy elastics. if it looks good, try again.
wear knee high skirts and china flat shoes. buy a sparkly scarf and wrap it around your neck.
next buy an antique pin. wear it on your turtle neck jacket.
buy a turtle neck jacket...preferably dark navy blue.
Silk screen your own t-shirts.
make the silk screens pictures of cheesy robots with little hearts.
lay on your kitchen floor and when your roommates ask what's up say "if every morning, I get up, if every noon hour I eat burnt toast, if ever night I lay my head to rest....then what has my life amounted to" or something to that effect
if you drink, only drink whine and gin
at breakfast
to be continued
Grats on the fun with the secret lover!