Hey folks,
sorry I've been extremely busy with work lately. Being a sexual assault counciler, and assistant director isn't always the easiest job. However now that it's the summer, my hours have been cut back alot and I have a bit more time on my hands.
As of late, I've gotten a new kitten who I named Ireese, he's a very dark dark grey with...
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sorry I've been extremely busy with work lately. Being a sexual assault counciler, and assistant director isn't always the easiest job. However now that it's the summer, my hours have been cut back alot and I have a bit more time on my hands.
As of late, I've gotten a new kitten who I named Ireese, he's a very dark dark grey with...
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Ai ai ai... why did you leave lovely lady?
you made a mark here Capp
Cinnamon tea and wires
wispy ends of tall trees scratch violently
at grey moist cloudy skies.
My eyes fall from the sky to find the
things left behind in the dirt of the earth.
and dart to catch the leaves flying mid flight.
I'm not here tonight, I'm some wheres I would
want to...be.
I watch the bricks swift in walls
swift with my footsteps...
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wispy ends of tall trees scratch violently
at grey moist cloudy skies.
My eyes fall from the sky to find the
things left behind in the dirt of the earth.
and dart to catch the leaves flying mid flight.
I'm not here tonight, I'm some wheres I would
want to...be.
I watch the bricks swift in walls
swift with my footsteps...
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I hope all is well. Have a great day.

I know you haven't done much on SG in a fucking long time, but I just wanted to mention the fact that you like, and KNOW OF, The Wasabi Collective is pretty rad.
Thats all, really. You should come back to SG for the good of the Earth.
Thats all, really. You should come back to SG for the good of the Earth.

Hey folks.
again I am lame. I've been waaay to busy to be on the internet as much as I use to be. however I'm slowly trying to stay in touch with people I met on here. (because some of you are rad).
Some time I am planning a trip to Montreal and Toronto. Well maybe just montreal, depends on how things turn out.
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again I am lame. I've been waaay to busy to be on the internet as much as I use to be. however I'm slowly trying to stay in touch with people I met on here. (because some of you are rad).
Some time I am planning a trip to Montreal and Toronto. Well maybe just montreal, depends on how things turn out.
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you look familar

Where will you be publishing it? What gave you the idea?
Sorry I haven't been active at all. bit of a crazy pass couple of months.
So I'm still teaching yoga at the womyn center. Might also start teaching private classes. hmmmmm. Just been making all kinds of music and re-kindeling old friendships. just stuff like that. sorry I don't have more to write. but I'm pretty exhuasted.
going for a bike ride though
So I'm still teaching yoga at the womyn center. Might also start teaching private classes. hmmmmm. Just been making all kinds of music and re-kindeling old friendships. just stuff like that. sorry I don't have more to write. but I'm pretty exhuasted.
going for a bike ride though
Like to wish you a very Happy Valentines Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day
Have a Great week

Have a Great week

what's new pussy cat?
Alot that's what! So I've met this guy (well we met along time ago, liked each other but neither of us were in a position to take on another relationship) and as of right now things are going well. He've been hanging out alot and talking. He's actually coming by tonight to watch movies.
It's great to because as of right...
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Alot that's what! So I've met this guy (well we met along time ago, liked each other but neither of us were in a position to take on another relationship) and as of right now things are going well. He've been hanging out alot and talking. He's actually coming by tonight to watch movies.
It's great to because as of right...
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I hope your holidays were full of jamin and more jamin.

[Edited on Jan 15, 2006 11:03PM]

[Edited on Jan 15, 2006 11:03PM]
Hooray, I really recent photo of me.
That's actually a photo that is suppose to be horizontal.
but I flipped it around to make it easier on people.
Okay so. some of you may recall me talking about having numerous partners. sirprisingly and rather suddenly I have managed to narrow it down to 1. even though we are on a bit of a break while...
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That's actually a photo that is suppose to be horizontal.
but I flipped it around to make it easier on people.
Okay so. some of you may recall me talking about having numerous partners. sirprisingly and rather suddenly I have managed to narrow it down to 1. even though we are on a bit of a break while...
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two days and no cappy.
i thought about it......
i have a roof over my head, i have food, im doing exactly what i want to do....i have no right to bitch. sorry about that. talk to you sunday.
i thought about it......
i have a roof over my head, i have food, im doing exactly what i want to do....i have no right to bitch. sorry about that. talk to you sunday.

In the diy group, you asked for tofu recipies.
Do you still want some?
Also, you can check out the veggie group for recipies.
Do you still want some?
Also, you can check out the veggie group for recipies.
Back in the maritimes.
whew, so I am back home.
Montreal was amazing. thursday I went and had a beer with my friend Akim, then went out dancing with my friend brendan, It was so much fun. I love dancing, so it was perfect that he took me out, There was a jazz funk fusion band playing, so we did it up swing style, it...
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whew, so I am back home.
Montreal was amazing. thursday I went and had a beer with my friend Akim, then went out dancing with my friend brendan, It was so much fun. I love dancing, so it was perfect that he took me out, There was a jazz funk fusion band playing, so we did it up swing style, it...
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wicked! glad you had fun in montreal

I just wanted to wish you a really bad...
...I mean really BAD

Hey there.
So if you go to my photos I've updated a bunch of them.
there are now a lot more photos.
other news? Most certainly.
I made a cool shirt today. basically I took a pair of overalls and cut the top off it, so now I have a little denim tank-top that I wear over other shirts. It's cute. I dunno what I...
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So if you go to my photos I've updated a bunch of them.
there are now a lot more photos.
other news? Most certainly.
I made a cool shirt today. basically I took a pair of overalls and cut the top off it, so now I have a little denim tank-top that I wear over other shirts. It's cute. I dunno what I...
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new photos!
awesome. i have a ton of newbies but they are too big to post.
what book is it?
[Edited on Oct 21, 2005 12:40AM]
awesome. i have a ton of newbies but they are too big to post.

what book is it?
[Edited on Oct 21, 2005 12:40AM]
I wish I could go to Montreal again... alas, I am too fucking far away. Your new shirt sounds cute!
I had a crazy ass night last night.
a bunch of my friend's bands were playing a basement show. Be bad, battle dick, some crappy band I didn't like, gilbert switzer and some other bands. crazy.
but anyways the night was pretty packed, alot of my friends where there. there was a huge dance party at it as well,
I'm suppose to go over to...
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a bunch of my friend's bands were playing a basement show. Be bad, battle dick, some crappy band I didn't like, gilbert switzer and some other bands. crazy.
but anyways the night was pretty packed, alot of my friends where there. there was a huge dance party at it as well,
I'm suppose to go over to...
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thank you!
more tomorrow.

more tomorrow.
are u in toronto?
so I submitted my artwork to the feminist collective gallery.
the womyn sounded interested, but still no clear signs on whether I am in, if not I will get her to explain what's wrong so at least I can learn.
other news, things with my mystery (mystery to you that is) lover are going well. still keeping it from the rest of our friends. so...
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the womyn sounded interested, but still no clear signs on whether I am in, if not I will get her to explain what's wrong so at least I can learn.
other news, things with my mystery (mystery to you that is) lover are going well. still keeping it from the rest of our friends. so...
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Hey, I can do all that! What else will I need?
Grats on the fun with the secret lover!

Grats on the fun with the secret lover!
Just wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend.