fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
I'm so pissed mad
I am a very bored little boy. I have no money and none of my friends have any time. At least I have a decent job now. I still haven't been paid for it though. I've only been there since saturday. I had a little scare with Sara. She's having some relationship issues. I don't know if she's gonna stick through it. It seems like...
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I got a new job at G&Co on high st. It's in the short north. You should come by if you live in columbus. It's just a clothing store but I will most likely be there. Now i don't have to pick up peoples junk anymore.
pick up peoples junk? what were you doing before this job?
I fucked up on the last post. I posted the wrong website. It is actually
Sorry about that. I would really like to get more work done on it though.

PS: my best bud from high school is coming to visit me tomorrow. He'll be here for 4 days and I need some ideas to keep us busy.
would love to party with you....

(clicky clicky)
So I got really drunk last night. Really drunk. It was the first time I've thown up since last summer. But I felt great afterwards. Today I just had to deal with my hangover but it wasn't too bad. Also in other news I started to actuall update my page after a year of neglect. I need to advice on how to improve though. It's...
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eeek I'm going to the liquor store. puke
hey i totally want to check out your art but you sent me a link that i need to log in to see... if you hit the share this page with a friend link it will give you an address you can post and i will be able to check it out... hurry i want to see what you do biggrin
I am barely getting any hours at my job. I get like 15 a week. I need more hours for more money. Does anyone know of somebody who is hiring? mad
I finally went grocery shopping yesterday. And I cleaned my apartment. So now i'm living in a clean place with food. Very different from what it ussually is. Today at work was easy. I didn't really have to do that much at all. For those of you that don't know, I work for this little place called 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Fun stuff, let me tell you. I...
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man i wish i knew what it was like to have groceries
found a place to stay.. thanks anyway smile
This wekend was fun. I got to eat a whole lot of food. I feel fairly content. But I need to go on a vacation. I just don't know where to or how to get there. Suggestions would be great.
well hello there my new friend