I finally went grocery shopping yesterday. And I cleaned my apartment. So now i'm living in a clean place with food. Very different from what it ussually is. Today at work was easy. I didn't really have to do that much at all. For those of you that don't know, I work for this little place called 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Fun stuff, let me tell you. I basicaly just drive around columbus in a big truck with someone else (ussualy Rob) and take people's old crap in exchange for money depending on how much room it takes up in the truck. We only had a few appointments today and there wasn't much stuff at any of them. So for the most part i just drove around for eight hours with rob and we sang black metal songs. Who does that? It was fun though. Plus we took all the other truck's metal and sold it at the scrap yard and kept it for ourselves. So now I have a little extra lining in my pocket. It feels good. I was suppose to drink with my buddies tonight but that plan kinda fell through because I fell asleep after work. Woops. But I have tomorrow of so I have to find something to do so that i don't just sit around all day like ussual.
man i wish i knew what it was like to have groceries
found a place to stay.. thanks anyway