Holy crap! i have no classes next week and I am done today. It will be great to get a break. Would you believe that i did 3 full illustrations, a magazine article spread, a painting, a fat stack of boardgame sketches and research, wrote a sociology paper, and paid almost a grand in bills that leaves me completely broke since monday? I am going to visit my hometown tomorrow and relax a bit. I am considering starting a painting of my mother during the break. But besides that i just get to relax. I'm pretty happy about that. On another note my gf gets to go to florida for a week for free because her best friend is loaded. I'm jealous.
If you had a time machine, you could go back in time, peel your girlfriend out of her skin, climb inside, and go to Florida. That way, you wouldn't have to feel the pain of envy. You would have a hell of a legal case when you got back though.