My boss is making me cut my hair and take out my gauges. I'm all upset now. frown
frown how big are your gauges?
dude. I didnt know you had an account.
this weekend was good for the most part. firday I just hung out here with a couple friends and watched strange videos online. Nothing special. Saturday was gallery hop. I got some bento go go's with a group of friends and then looked at all kinds of artwork. It was really cool. I even bought a print!!! It's an andrew bawidamann print. i love his...
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I am happy. I'm not sure why, but I am. I got out of class early and it is all rainy out. I also have a whole bunch of homework to do, but I know I am just going to put it off for as long as possible.

As for my break, well, it was very not fun. I just sat around the whole time....
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Holy crap! i have no classes next week and I am done today. It will be great to get a break. Would you believe that i did 3 full illustrations, a magazine article spread, a painting, a fat stack of boardgame sketches and research, wrote a sociology paper, and paid almost a grand in bills that leaves me completely broke since monday? I am going...
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If you had a time machine, you could go back in time, peel your girlfriend out of her skin, climb inside, and go to Florida. That way, you wouldn't have to feel the pain of envy. You would have a hell of a legal case when you got back though.
So it is saturday night. Here I am doing my homework. I think i'm gonna like this illustration a lot. But don't go assuming I'm lame or anything. I'm not just sitting around doing homework all day today. I already went to whitecastle and the mahan gallery. And I was photographed half naked with my roomate, who is half naked all the time anyways. And...
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Nobody likes to talk to me. frown
Why not?
yup. Iwas in class for 10 and a half hours straight. I'm pooped. I'm gonna go draw and pass out. After I get some food of course.
I've been keping up on my journal even though I don't think anybody reads it. But that's ok. It gives me something to do when I can't go to sleep at night. Winter break has severly altered my sleep schedule. But anyways, as for today, I had some classes. I got to talk about fun things like the "bee's knees" and why sailors use...
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Today was my first day back to class. It was ok. i just had psych and advertising/graphic design today. No biggies. I'm currently being a boring person and washing my laundry. What a hoot. As for tomorrow (wednesday) I have a busy day. I start at 8:00 A.M. My day will consist of design 2, sociology, illustration methods, and good ol' figure painting. Nothin like...
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I have been so unbelievably lazy this week. It seems like all I do anymore is sleep. I woke up at 4:30 today. WTF? I need to make some more friends so I have places to go and people to see. But then again I guess that being slothlike is just part of winter break. It will all be back to normal on tuesday. i'll...
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This is officially my first entree. I've been to this site many times before on other people's profiles and I decided it was time to get one of my own. I'm probably going to update an unneccesary amount because I just got my computer fixed and it's going to keep me from interacting socially. It's just so god damn addicting.
Welcome to SG and enjoy your stay.