I'm really bored. And yet, I can't pull myself away from the computer.

This must be what watching TV is like.
Now that we've got a martian lander going out the martian North Pole we'll finally be able to tell if there's a Martian Santa.
Today I was visited by an extra-terrestrial. I was stunned. A transcript of the conversation follows:

Me: Jumpin' Jehosophat! What are you?
ET: Do not be alarmed, native Earth life form. We come from the planet B'Nix!Blat, circling the star Alpha Centari. We have recently discovered primitive radio transmissions emanating from this planet, and have come to usher in a new age of plenty and...
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happy birthday honey!!
Have you heard of the term "volunteer vegetable"? Usually it's specific. Such as "Volunteer tomato" or "Volunteer Squash" or whatever. It means an item that you didn't plant this season, but which is growing nonetheless. I assume this is usually because you had planted that critter in the previous season or whatever it is you do with such things.

I want to help with this...
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We're all familiar with the more common collective nouns, "Flock", "Herd", "Mess of".

But did you know that there's more than just that? Most are associated with a specific species or type.

A aarmory of aadvarks
A army of frogs
A bevy of swans
A pod of whales
A crash of rhinoceroses
A colony of bats
A bucket of chicken
Have you ever really thought about food? How did we come up with some of this stuff?

At some point this conversation had to happen:

"Bob, what are you doing?"
"I'm inventing cottage cheese."
"When are you going to be done with inventing it? I'll try some."
"I _am_ done with it. It's ready now."
"Hey, I'm going to go over there now. Away from...
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It's ten o' the clock and all's pretty good. Well, I can't say all's well 'cause for some it's a right pisser of a day, eh? I mean some of you are probably having right wonderful days, then there's some real miserable blokes out there . . .

The Literal Town Crier didn't catch on in Midevil Europe.
I'm glad you enjoyed my set wink
He thrilled you with Doggie Death Commando. He wowed you in Canine Crusaders andthe Brain Mutants of the Desert.

You fell in love with her as Princess Xing on the lost moon of Kad-ran Dor. You wept when she played Dorothy the coal miner's daughter in "Shoot me another pony Daddy".

Now a spunky young farmgirl and a small dog are together again in "Toto-Annihilation...
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Assume for the moment that Greek/Roman/Norse mythology is accurate. So Odin, Thor, Zeus, Mars, and comp'ny really do exist. But obviously their homes can't exist since we would have found them by now. I would think Olympus would be a bit obvious if it existed.

Since they don't live in their homes where do they live? Also, a 6 ft tall Norseman with a frickin'...
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I'd just like to say my life long ambition is to be a Trivial Pursuit question.