So, I've been trying to figure out a way to get myself motivated to actually get writing again. I think I've figured it out. I'm going to spend my saturday afternoons in a coffee shop. All my toys and books won't be around so I might actually get something done.
More Blogs
Sunday Aug 26, 2007
I'm really bored. And yet, I can't pull myself away from the compute… -
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
Now that we've got a martian lander going out the martian North Pole … -
Sunday Apr 29, 2007
Today I was visited by an extra-terrestrial. I was stunned. A transcr… -
Sunday Apr 01, 2007
Have you heard of the term "volunteer vegetable"? Usually it's specif… -
Monday Feb 05, 2007
We're all familiar with the more common collective nouns, "Flock", "H… -
Friday Jan 19, 2007
Have you ever really thought about food? How did we come up with some… -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
It's ten o' the clock and all's pretty good. Well, I can't say all's … -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
He thrilled you with Doggie Death Commando. He wowed you in Canine Cr… -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
Assume for the moment that Greek/Roman/Norse mythology is accurate. S… -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
I'd just like to say my life long ambition is to be a Trivial Pursuit…