Worn out from watching all the E3 stuff. Loved some of the games, Skyrim and Battlefield 3 being standouts. Excited for the Wii U, even if I think the name is totally Takei. Bring on the new Zelda!
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 11, 2010
Dilemma. This is probably related to my last post, and I realize that… -
Friday Mar 05, 2010
Why am I so excessively horny right now? Ok, I know... we were going … -
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
So... we partied a bit too hard during my birthday. After my last blo… -
Saturday Jan 30, 2010
So it's my birthday! Woohoo! MC Chris wore a DHARMA hoodie, and I got… -
Wednesday Jan 27, 2010
Headed to New Orleans tomorrow! My birthday's on Saturday, so we're g… -
Friday Jan 08, 2010
Thought for the day: it is entirely possible to be a complete asshole… -
Monday Jan 04, 2010
We finally saw Up tonight. I cried the whole damn movie. I am such a … -
Friday Dec 25, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone! I got a new beard trimmer, the New Super Ma… -
Sunday Dec 20, 2009
In a few short hours I will be on a plane to New Orleans! and then I'… -
Monday Nov 23, 2009
I've just passed 19,000 words in my book. Still a long way to go, I n…