I am soooooo excited right now. At the club over the weekend, I ran into the super-hot chick who gave me the best lap dance ever back in October (she was dressed as Chun-Li for halloween). She's coming over here tomorrow night! This may betray how pathetic of a nerd I am, but I'm really really hoping that she'll want to play with my Wii. Maybe with her clothes off.
More Blogs
Wednesday Dec 19, 2007
She's staying! I don't know exactly why she's not moving now... I gu… -
Wednesday Dec 12, 2007
There was a second date after all, which was great but I fear it is t… -
Tuesday Dec 11, 2007
Well, I guess there's no second date. I was stupid to get my hopes u… -
Tuesday Dec 04, 2007
I have a maybe sorta kinda date on thursday. I hope I can avoid sayi… -
Thursday Nov 15, 2007
Funny stuff! So apparently I've been booted without warning from the… -
Saturday Oct 20, 2007
Just got a part-time job to help bridge the gaps between my freelance… -
Wednesday Sep 05, 2007
Got back from Dragon Con. Totally exhausted. I'll be using this as …