I am soooooo excited right now. At the club over the weekend, I ran into the super-hot chick who gave me the best lap dance ever back in October (she was dressed as Chun-Li for halloween). She's coming over here tomorrow night! This may betray how pathetic of a nerd I am, but I'm really really hoping that she'll want to play with my Wii. Maybe with her clothes off.
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 11, 2010
Dilemma. This is probably related to my last post, and I realize that… -
Friday Mar 05, 2010
Why am I so excessively horny right now? Ok, I know... we were going … -
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
So... we partied a bit too hard during my birthday. After my last blo… -
Saturday Jan 30, 2010
So it's my birthday! Woohoo! MC Chris wore a DHARMA hoodie, and I got… -
Wednesday Jan 27, 2010
Headed to New Orleans tomorrow! My birthday's on Saturday, so we're g… -
Friday Jan 08, 2010
Thought for the day: it is entirely possible to be a complete asshole… -
Monday Jan 04, 2010
We finally saw Up tonight. I cried the whole damn movie. I am such a … -
Friday Dec 25, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone! I got a new beard trimmer, the New Super Ma… -
Sunday Dec 20, 2009
In a few short hours I will be on a plane to New Orleans! and then I'… -
Monday Nov 23, 2009
I've just passed 19,000 words in my book. Still a long way to go, I n…