Team awsome rule 1.
you may not, at any poin,t go soft and start liking kittens. this is grounds for excommunication.
Thank you. Team captain.
you may not, at any poin,t go soft and start liking kittens. this is grounds for excommunication.
Thank you. Team captain.
you may not, at any point whore yourself on multiple eiltist hipster messageboards.
this is grounds for excommunication,
trying to deney when evidence is abundant, grounds for DEATH.
.....upon which point me and my army of kitten will drink your blood. and everyone will shit in plastic bags. PLASTIC BAGS!!! there's NOTHING soft about htat... except maybe the shit in the bag.. i wouldn't know tho..... umm....
pps... don't give up on the kombucha
Rule number 3;
you may not be up on any rappers jock.
Hah ha. Good luck. If you're talking about Daley; 90% of the girls that cross paths with him fall subject to the jock riding. And so do their moms and grandmas. ....And their sisters; if they have any. Probably even their cousins. Did I mention their friends.
Just the other day this girl was telling me how much she loves him. I guess it's his way.
What if your member liked evil kittens? Wouldn't that be an exception.