Baked Willem:
Time, Unyealding cynicism. psudo 'intellect'
Throw these in with a fist full of sacasm, dash of agnst
and a tablespoon of spite.
Pour into fucked up digitised and remove and friends or distractions.
You get me. Every day of my life now. things have gotten worse, I now hover over my keyboard every waking hour pecking like a vulture at bits of informantion never able to peck the rotting carcass clean. And you think for all my efforts; all my pecking im gaining something, nutrition perhaps, to fly away above all the rotting foul things thats sustain me.
No. As a matter of fact after this I dont want to fly. I dont want to be above anything. I want to stay here. After all, im happy with the worms. and really its liberating
I just today came to grips with myself.
Im not that good of a person,
sure I dont do drugs and Im vegan, but really I dont do drugs because I cant fucking deal with people as is while sober I dont eat meat, fish, dairy because i dont like animals and, in fact, want nothing to do with them.
I dont really help anyone or strive to acheive high goals. And if I do its for strictly personal gain. ie. buy more stuff that would do something for ME, make ME or MINE happy.
The best part about this realization is that Im perfectaly OK with it. I dont feel like I need to change I dont feel like I need to do anybetter. Your a bum? Fuck you work. Your are drug dependent? Fuck you, get over it. Your made fun of? Fuck you dont be a dickweed then. You have a pole sticking out or you head and need help? Fuck you, lemme take a picture first.
Im ok here as Will. I have friends, I have a life that I deal with. I have things that I dont like, love and hate
I have people that mean alot to me. im fine. Now its YOU that needs to deal with shit. Its you that makes these problems for yourself its YOU thats needs to lern basic fucking things about life, and if you were down here, if you were a vulture like me you would take these lessions not just yours, but other peoples, and actually fucking LEARN from them. If everyone got off their high horse or came down from their tower and actually consumed the filth and the worms; the stuff that makes you want to turn away. Get over their knee jerk reactions to real shit, you to can be enlightend, you to can be aware of life, and now you to are ready to make the decision about what exactally you want to commit to it.
Time, Unyealding cynicism. psudo 'intellect'
Throw these in with a fist full of sacasm, dash of agnst
and a tablespoon of spite.
Pour into fucked up digitised and remove and friends or distractions.
You get me. Every day of my life now. things have gotten worse, I now hover over my keyboard every waking hour pecking like a vulture at bits of informantion never able to peck the rotting carcass clean. And you think for all my efforts; all my pecking im gaining something, nutrition perhaps, to fly away above all the rotting foul things thats sustain me.
No. As a matter of fact after this I dont want to fly. I dont want to be above anything. I want to stay here. After all, im happy with the worms. and really its liberating
I just today came to grips with myself.
Im not that good of a person,
sure I dont do drugs and Im vegan, but really I dont do drugs because I cant fucking deal with people as is while sober I dont eat meat, fish, dairy because i dont like animals and, in fact, want nothing to do with them.
I dont really help anyone or strive to acheive high goals. And if I do its for strictly personal gain. ie. buy more stuff that would do something for ME, make ME or MINE happy.
The best part about this realization is that Im perfectaly OK with it. I dont feel like I need to change I dont feel like I need to do anybetter. Your a bum? Fuck you work. Your are drug dependent? Fuck you, get over it. Your made fun of? Fuck you dont be a dickweed then. You have a pole sticking out or you head and need help? Fuck you, lemme take a picture first.
Im ok here as Will. I have friends, I have a life that I deal with. I have things that I dont like, love and hate
I have people that mean alot to me. im fine. Now its YOU that needs to deal with shit. Its you that makes these problems for yourself its YOU thats needs to lern basic fucking things about life, and if you were down here, if you were a vulture like me you would take these lessions not just yours, but other peoples, and actually fucking LEARN from them. If everyone got off their high horse or came down from their tower and actually consumed the filth and the worms; the stuff that makes you want to turn away. Get over their knee jerk reactions to real shit, you to can be enlightend, you to can be aware of life, and now you to are ready to make the decision about what exactally you want to commit to it.
:::vomits on self:::::