Ironic tidbit about me

I complain when things arent really bothering me.

When things are bothering me I never complain.


It's gotten really cold really fast. Bundle up.
the keywords for this season are electirc blankt wink

Holy David Hasslehoff!!!!!

Where the hell did this chick come from?!!!!!!

If I had sex with this girl we'd have to hire a contractor the next day.

Now that is a seriously inspiring look in her eyes. Who knows what a man could be capable of?

What?!!! I'm a guy. My penis doesn't control my thoughts but me and him tend to agree often....
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Trust my feelings? Do you have any idea what my feelings are telling me? It involves a hoolahoop, Chunky munky Ice cream, a cowboy hat, rope, a rooftop, and Muse on the camera. And to play it safe 5 rubber duckys cuz u never know how useful they can get.
I'm one of those guys who works hard and plays hard. The time I set aside to have a life is very important to me. I cherish it cuz I work my ass off to get the obligatory shit out of the way so I can enjoy it. I have a kickass time, carefree with no worries, cuz I make it that way.

So I...
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The have the pumpkin extravaganza! And its the best! I go every year....try to go on a weekday late...and if its drizzle out or really cold....there will be no crowd and you can take your time walking through. I love it!
I am the same way about punctuality and flakeyness. I often wish I weren't, becuase I get all stressed out and pissed off when I could just find something better to do and enjoy it.

The Cobramatics are great. I love the colonel! I saw them thie summer with the lovely ladies from "Through The Keyhole Burlesque" at the Abbey Lounge in Cambridge. It would have been a better show had it been in a different venue. There was really no good place for the ladies to dance. You should check them out sometime if you are interested in burlesque.
I'm one of those guys who works hard and plays hard. The time I set aside to have a life is very important to me. I cherish it cuz I work my ass off to get the obligatory shit out of the way so I can enjoy it. I have a kickass time, carefree with no worries, cuz I make it that way.

So I...
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And now a few words of wisdom.

Never fixate on being compared to her ex. The reality is she's comparing you to the guys on tv, movies, and love novels. Much worse than being compared to the ex. Be afraid.

That was my wise old soul side kicking in, sorry. We now return to our regularly scheduled programing.

Tonight an ex is coming to town....
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now why am I not surprised that you qouted something from the Devils Advocate? lol....heres an other question....

What was your longest relationship? And How long was your shortest?
And now a few words of wisdom.

Never fixate on being compared to her ex. The reality is she's comparing you to the guys on tv, movies, and love novels. Much worse than being compared to the ex. Be afraid.

That was my wise old soul side kicking in, sorry. We now return to our regularly scheduled programing.

Tonight an ex is coming to town....
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Fighting a losing battle with a cold. I expect to be full out sick tomorrow.

Yesterday while working at a site a manager called who had NOT given me a job a few months ago. He called on his vacation, from his cell, to tell me he was going to have an opening.

I haven't started at my other job yet that just hired me....
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I"d say stay loyal to the company that alreay hired you. LIke you said they may make you manager within a year which isn't too bad. This other job already blew you off plus an interview isn't a guarntee. But that's just my opinion. ARRR!!!
Ack...everyones getting sick! I hope you feel better.

whats your idea of a perfect first date?


Gonna go fishing today. Got my cowbow hat, and my pole. Have a nice day
that sounds nice and relaxing...hope you get something good.

That's what us girls from the south like to hear.
I've decided I wanna experiment with 2 projects.

First I think I wanna volunteer somehow with helping set up WaterFire events. Cianci loved WaterFire. But this fucking idiot is making it his mission to not only destroy all things Cianci. But to specificly destroy all Providence Public/Free events.

Summer Free Concerts-------gone
Funding for Providence High School After School Programs---cut. The Banks decided to donate the...
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I did the roof for the guy who sets up the waterfire...see pics and the blue house with the dumpster in front of it. Im sorry to say that these people were cunts. You'd be a brave soul to work for these pompous asses.

now......get on your knees and be my foot stool....
I'm in that mood. I wanna put on my best suit, shine my shoes. Then go to a bar, do shots and start a brawl.

I wanna rock my jeans, t shirt, and redneck cap. And go watch a balet. Or an opera.

I wanna handcuff a virgin, and marry a stripper.

I wanna rebel against the beauty.

And shatter the shells of those who...
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if I didnt know any better I'd swear to god you tirp every time you write one of these fucking things but you don't your just this really insanely deep people....man thats some cool shit to be that deep...good for you.
lol...adorilly....lol. too cute blush