You know what can blow your mind? Reading old posts. I've been a member for a long time and going back and reading stuff from that long ago can really stir up old feelings.


I'm going to Liquid Lounge to go to someones birthday. I'm trying to make friends so I'm making it a point to go. He's younger and a lil different than...
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Sometimes I think I talk like Beetlejuice skull
3 things:

1) Vegas Vampires: Worst movie ever!!! Shitty acting, shitty camera, shitty directing

B) Hi!!

C) Gonna spend hours tomorrow exploring Arkham Asylum. Batman holiday tomorrow.
Unless a girl meets me tonight and makes plans. That won't happen
Heading to Liquid Lounge on Thayer St. tonight. Hoping to socialize. Anything I can do to convince you guys of showing up?
i would if I were in Rhode Island.. damnnnn lol
dammmn? Liquid isn't that cool
I cannot sleep.

Tonight I paid 4 cover charges and went to another 2 bars. Just looking for something to do. I didn't have more than one drink at any of these places. They were all dead or completly unentertaining. I am very unsatisfied. In serious need of stimulation. Any stimulation would be welcome. I haven't had a conversation in almost a week. A conversation!!!!!...
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Has been reading his old posts and now really REALLY misses his friend Muse25.
Ok so here is the promised explanation of Monday nights idiocy.

There is a place called Liquid Lounge. It's a bar where I know all the regulars by name. I know the manager. My buddy used to bounce there before he moved away but Billy remembered me. It's mostly college fair but occasionally someone catches my eye.

So a nice pair of heels walks in....
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wow fucking intense dude, hope your ok.
Is so happy it's started poring. I'm soaked from walking down Thayer during the storm and couldn't be happier. So cool and refreshing. Ahhh.

I feel like walking in the rain with a pretty lady. love
It is with great ....disgust that I can no longer say that it has been 6 years since I have been in a fight. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday and this cut on my nose had better heal up by then. Neosporin work your magic!!!!

Do to the lack of results in the job searching, and the "new kid in town"...
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