I wanna print a bumper sticker.
Something to hand out to people who annoy me but are spared, due to this whole "good person" thing I'm experimenting with.
It would read something like this for girls:
"So lucky I didn't meet Cap in the 90's. He would have loved to slap the stupid right out of my flaky silicone ass"
And for the guys:
"I have all my teeth, but Cap ownz my ass."
Sorry but I really hate how letting lesser people live with the illusion that they can get away with what they do, somehow is the only time I really feel like shit.
O I'll be annoyed by all those other situations. But when a stupid person is given a little leniency, the confuse forgivness with intimidation. No I smiled and let you continue cuz I was being polite, not because I think you are better. But the stupid lil ken and barbies keep clucking along like the oblivious hens they are. It never occured to them that the second anyone in the bar wants them quiet, they can make them quiet.
Sorry guys and gals, I was in such a good mood too.
I just hate couples like this.
I'm a firm believer in the "Allowance Policy"
Allowance policy is originally a term made to explain child development. It states that people will continue to do wrong if you let them. Especially children. It was later broadened to all types of mental attributes.
The example here is this:
This girl, grew up like us all. With dreams of a perfect Prince Charming someday. And unfortunatly she was hot. So it got to the point that a lot of men wanted her as she grew up. And they'd put up with anything to get in her pants. So she eventually came to a hypocritical point. She believed mankind had the potential to be "Prince Charmings" yet all men before her are inferior. Filler. So she goes around thinking they are expendable, knowing if she pisses off Jim, she can get a John to fill his place in the same night. They are all the same. Yet she moans to my date about finding the one, and the next sentence is all about how she's "using" him.
If a girl ever used the word "use" and my name in the same sentence there'd be a serious reality check.
And here's the interesting part: I blame the guys. It's not her fault at all. She's a sweet girl. Just jaded. Just like a kid, you blame the parents for teaching her this bad habit.
All these guys, over and over. Treat her like a goddess. They snivel, they beg. Pay for dinner, buy roses, selectivly ignore certain comments. They don't demand respect. Countless guys over and over are showing her that we will "settle" for being objects to her, in exchange for a kiss. She hasn't been with a guy who demands to be an equal, let alone challenges her to be a "complete 3 dimensional personality".
It's unhealthy and a bad example for both people involved. So you get people like this. Gorgeous girls who think that men have no backbone when they see breasts, and men who are afraid to demand more than beauty from the girls they see. Cuz god forbid if they decide to respond badly. They might have to sleep on the couch. O noooooes.
It's a shame too cuz I've known a lot of girls who I won't go near cuz they are ruined by this attitude. So perfect but their views on men are just repulsive to listen too. Sorry but for me, the hotter you are, the harder you have to work to show me that you are more than just tits and a great ass. Sorry I'm not impressed. I'm Cap how bout you take that makeup off and tell me a lil about yourself.
And also fake breasts is an automatic no kiss til second date. Sorry but those other guys may fawn over you like dogs. But I'm a real man, not one of those chumps. Can you handle that? Can you handle a guy who won't let you see him as anything less? Those guys got nothing in their future but unsuccessful stalker careers the second they lose their looks. I actually expect you to be as better than you look, and twice as fun on a sick day. Anything less means you're just spoiled.
Something to hand out to people who annoy me but are spared, due to this whole "good person" thing I'm experimenting with.
It would read something like this for girls:
"So lucky I didn't meet Cap in the 90's. He would have loved to slap the stupid right out of my flaky silicone ass"
And for the guys:
"I have all my teeth, but Cap ownz my ass."
Sorry but I really hate how letting lesser people live with the illusion that they can get away with what they do, somehow is the only time I really feel like shit.
O I'll be annoyed by all those other situations. But when a stupid person is given a little leniency, the confuse forgivness with intimidation. No I smiled and let you continue cuz I was being polite, not because I think you are better. But the stupid lil ken and barbies keep clucking along like the oblivious hens they are. It never occured to them that the second anyone in the bar wants them quiet, they can make them quiet.
Sorry guys and gals, I was in such a good mood too.
I just hate couples like this.
I'm a firm believer in the "Allowance Policy"
Allowance policy is originally a term made to explain child development. It states that people will continue to do wrong if you let them. Especially children. It was later broadened to all types of mental attributes.
The example here is this:
This girl, grew up like us all. With dreams of a perfect Prince Charming someday. And unfortunatly she was hot. So it got to the point that a lot of men wanted her as she grew up. And they'd put up with anything to get in her pants. So she eventually came to a hypocritical point. She believed mankind had the potential to be "Prince Charmings" yet all men before her are inferior. Filler. So she goes around thinking they are expendable, knowing if she pisses off Jim, she can get a John to fill his place in the same night. They are all the same. Yet she moans to my date about finding the one, and the next sentence is all about how she's "using" him.
If a girl ever used the word "use" and my name in the same sentence there'd be a serious reality check.
And here's the interesting part: I blame the guys. It's not her fault at all. She's a sweet girl. Just jaded. Just like a kid, you blame the parents for teaching her this bad habit.
All these guys, over and over. Treat her like a goddess. They snivel, they beg. Pay for dinner, buy roses, selectivly ignore certain comments. They don't demand respect. Countless guys over and over are showing her that we will "settle" for being objects to her, in exchange for a kiss. She hasn't been with a guy who demands to be an equal, let alone challenges her to be a "complete 3 dimensional personality".
It's unhealthy and a bad example for both people involved. So you get people like this. Gorgeous girls who think that men have no backbone when they see breasts, and men who are afraid to demand more than beauty from the girls they see. Cuz god forbid if they decide to respond badly. They might have to sleep on the couch. O noooooes.

It's a shame too cuz I've known a lot of girls who I won't go near cuz they are ruined by this attitude. So perfect but their views on men are just repulsive to listen too. Sorry but for me, the hotter you are, the harder you have to work to show me that you are more than just tits and a great ass. Sorry I'm not impressed. I'm Cap how bout you take that makeup off and tell me a lil about yourself.
And also fake breasts is an automatic no kiss til second date. Sorry but those other guys may fawn over you like dogs. But I'm a real man, not one of those chumps. Can you handle that? Can you handle a guy who won't let you see him as anything less? Those guys got nothing in their future but unsuccessful stalker careers the second they lose their looks. I actually expect you to be as better than you look, and twice as fun on a sick day. Anything less means you're just spoiled.
Friends don't let friends post drunk.
[Edited on Sep 18, 2005 5:36AM]