Not a damn back and blue on me but I certainly bruised. Dislocated my right shoulder again and my back is all screwy. And sprained my left wrist from punching the guy.
Doc says I should be fine with rest and then a lil recooperation excersises. News flash! I don't have Health Care or a lawyer. Doctor prescribed some antiinflamitory medication and some pain killers. I don't take pain killers. EVER.
I'm sitting up in bed with my laptop on my lap. Took 5 minutes for me to sit up. PAIN.
The Cops arrived and the asshole was screaming that I punched him. Took one look at me and they shut him up. I don't think he's gonna be giving me any trouble.
One of them John stayed with me the entire time at the hospital. Kinda a buddy thing. Another guy not at his best so you try to right by him. I appreciated it. Doc says no permanant damage and if I take it slow I should be ok.
Sorry my mind is everywhere. This isn't my literary best. I'm gonna put my laptop under my pillow and lie down.
I can't even play video games or read. I'm just lying here listening to classical music so I don't get up and smash something.
Oh I can move perfectly. It's just blinding pain if I try. But if I'm angry enough I can throw a left hook hard enuff to sprain my wrist. Fucking frat dropout, prepubescent, Fuckmook. I wonder if he has any injuries?
If he heals before I do I'm finding him and giving him a handicap til I catch up. Bastard ran a red light I hope they take his liscence.
I'm so lucky my head didn't crack on the pavement. My body can take an oldsmobile, but a head injury? God the thought of what coulda happened........
I gotta stop writing
Bye all till I get bored and write again.
Not a damn back and blue on me but I certainly bruised. Dislocated my right shoulder again and my back is all screwy. And sprained my left wrist from punching the guy.
Doc says I should be fine with rest and then a lil recooperation excersises. News flash! I don't have Health Care or a lawyer. Doctor prescribed some antiinflamitory medication and some pain killers. I don't take pain killers. EVER.
I'm sitting up in bed with my laptop on my lap. Took 5 minutes for me to sit up. PAIN.
The Cops arrived and the asshole was screaming that I punched him. Took one look at me and they shut him up. I don't think he's gonna be giving me any trouble.
One of them John stayed with me the entire time at the hospital. Kinda a buddy thing. Another guy not at his best so you try to right by him. I appreciated it. Doc says no permanant damage and if I take it slow I should be ok.
Sorry my mind is everywhere. This isn't my literary best. I'm gonna put my laptop under my pillow and lie down.
I can't even play video games or read. I'm just lying here listening to classical music so I don't get up and smash something.
Oh I can move perfectly. It's just blinding pain if I try. But if I'm angry enough I can throw a left hook hard enuff to sprain my wrist. Fucking frat dropout, prepubescent, Fuckmook. I wonder if he has any injuries?

If he heals before I do I'm finding him and giving him a handicap til I catch up. Bastard ran a red light I hope they take his liscence.
I'm so lucky my head didn't crack on the pavement. My body can take an oldsmobile, but a head injury? God the thought of what coulda happened........
I gotta stop writing
Bye all till I get bored and write again.

The shoulder is almost back to normal. I didnt wince from the weight of this laptop. Yesterday it was too heavy to put back on the floor so i slept on it like a pillow. I really should have put a poster in this room. Instead i'm playing with the candlelight reflections. Knee is throbbing but i cant afford another emergency room visit.
I feel like the guy in Metalica's "One" video. I want to lash out. My only visitors today got a very moodswingy me. So glad I didnt take the painkillers. Self control is hard as it is.
lol I can feel my personality deteriorating. Second I can get up from bed i'm leaving the house. And enjoying the sun. It better be sunny or I'll make nature pay.