hmm i have one less friend today.
My small list of people from RI is now down to 2. No warning, no explanation, just *poof* gone. Granted it was someone who I didn't interact with much but still......
O well
Today I worked 12 hard hours, I must work 9am first thing tomorrow too. I am such a merc. The others must hate me for raking up all these hours. Not my fault I have no other responsibilities. I would kill for a reason to not work, like school or something. Soon tho, very soon it shall all change. Mwahahaha
I have been introduced to a cartoon called Invader Zim. For those of you into SpongeBob, this show came out the same year on the same station. It didn't get the same hype cuz it leaned more to a Goth flavor. It suits me quite well. I have fallen for GIR completly. We share far too many traits for me to be able to resist his charms.
This post is quite random, but I am not well, and tend to be very silly when sick.
Also to Muse a quick sorry for her being sick. It is not fun, I would never wish it on another. If it helps I should be healthy soon and make a much better doctor than a patient.
The Cap has spoken
My small list of people from RI is now down to 2. No warning, no explanation, just *poof* gone. Granted it was someone who I didn't interact with much but still......
O well
Today I worked 12 hard hours, I must work 9am first thing tomorrow too. I am such a merc. The others must hate me for raking up all these hours. Not my fault I have no other responsibilities. I would kill for a reason to not work, like school or something. Soon tho, very soon it shall all change. Mwahahaha
I have been introduced to a cartoon called Invader Zim. For those of you into SpongeBob, this show came out the same year on the same station. It didn't get the same hype cuz it leaned more to a Goth flavor. It suits me quite well. I have fallen for GIR completly. We share far too many traits for me to be able to resist his charms.
This post is quite random, but I am not well, and tend to be very silly when sick.
Also to Muse a quick sorry for her being sick. It is not fun, I would never wish it on another. If it helps I should be healthy soon and make a much better doctor than a patient.
The Cap has spoken
LOl....sorry to hear your still sick! Let me know if you need a thermometer put anywhere (evil giggle)
ughh..dude take some time outta work and rest up. I'm sure if you're such an MVP there they wouldn't mind one day off so you can recoup. I'll have to check out Invader zim..sounds like a good waste of brain cells.
Pez huh...hmm...I'll have to give it some thought...not completly quit yet though...down to 3 a day....which aint to bad....go my team.