Ok I have a confession to make.
I'm a gamer. An UBER 1337 Gamer. And I always will be. Phew that felt good.
So I requested Tuesday off. Why?
Cuz it's Haloday. Halo2 came out.
I was 3rd in line at 10pm on monday night. And I waited till midnight for my copy. I played till 3am. Slept 6 hours and continued. No chores, no errands, no responsibilities, just me and the Master Chief. I was very happy yesterday.
Simplicity is the root of all happiness for me most times. YAY me.
When my pizza arrived late I didnt notice. When my friend couldn't make it to hang out. In the back of my mind I was like YAY more Halo. When my other buddy never showed to come play I never noticed. I didn't even remember he was coming till this morning. lol
O well off to work then Tony's throwing a Halo 2 Party for all of us.
I'm a gamer. An UBER 1337 Gamer. And I always will be. Phew that felt good.
So I requested Tuesday off. Why?
Cuz it's Haloday. Halo2 came out.
I was 3rd in line at 10pm on monday night. And I waited till midnight for my copy. I played till 3am. Slept 6 hours and continued. No chores, no errands, no responsibilities, just me and the Master Chief. I was very happy yesterday.
Simplicity is the root of all happiness for me most times. YAY me.
When my pizza arrived late I didnt notice. When my friend couldn't make it to hang out. In the back of my mind I was like YAY more Halo. When my other buddy never showed to come play I never noticed. I didn't even remember he was coming till this morning. lol
O well off to work then Tony's throwing a Halo 2 Party for all of us.
But seriously, I don't believe in that crap. Inviting people means u want to include them. Having them watch is just excluding and alienating them after making a point to invite them its pretty hipocritical. We all play. Even Glady played and shes far from my level. Skill level is unimportant having fun with friends is.