Life's been rubbish but I will concentrate on the good;
*Sonic boom six tonight over Islington way with my girlies. I'm dosing myself up on meds and AM GOING to have a good night. Will be nice to be over near home as well.
*Planning my next tattoo. Backpiece. I will give no clues just that it will be amazing.
*I have far too much work and not enough motivation right now.
*I really need to get rid of most of my things...I just have too much stuff
*I like opal fruits

*Since starting my job as an IT technician I have come to the conclusion that humans are stupid...very very stupid, and do not know that when you unplug a computer it turns off...what?! No!?! Really?!?!?! *slams head on desk*
*Going to Prague on the 16th for 4 nights. Going to go to an industrial type gig whilst there should be brilliant.
*The singer of Reuben may be a prick sometimes but his voice and music makes me smile when it's cold outside.
*I really miss my old room...staying up till 4AM watching Roswell, chatting away in my vibrant enclosure with my old friends.
*I miss the days of college. Missing days to go to Hertfordshire. Day trips to Clacton. Getting high in to loos. Filling the office with balloons. Playing cards in the side rooms. Spending hours in the pub when we should be in German.
*I miss living on campus. My room that was a constant tip. People stealing my ice cream...okay I don't miss that. I miss seeing my best friend every day and bitching happily along the way about the entire world and having a good old giggle.
*I miss getting really really drunk with her, dancing around ripping things off the walls, drawing all over each other and then hitting the town or party just for a laugh and a dance. Then wandering home in the snow giggling so much we'd cry, in stupidly small skirts and big boots.Content.Happy.Loved.
*I miss being 15 and deluded that everything will be fine and that I was anything but lame. I am the only one in the world that matters. I am right. I am going to the same club every week because I rock and I know every one. I will listen to as much loud music for the hell of it. I will sleep with you because you flatter me with words and gifts. I will rebel. I won't listen to a word you say. I know I love you. I know we will last. I know best. I knew nothing...
*I miss being 14 and only having a web cam to take rubbish pixelated pictures. Going to gigs that get cancelled and then wandering around London only to end up at another gig and get chatted up by the pathetic Indie band who later go on to have a few top ten hits. Staying up till 3AM with my best mate searching the depths of MySpace for Mari...are you Mari? Do you know Mari? Mari?
Life could be worse it could be better. I'm just reminiscing lots atm. I know I should forget it and just live my life. But looking back from time to time isn't that bad. It makes you realise how you got where you are. and to be thankful for all you have...
Any way how are you?