Libertatia was kick ass. everything was kick ass about 'tatia.

Last night, the Trevor fairy fixed my bass and equipment with his magic saudering wand. I owe him somthing awful.
yep, things are good.
present it


I didn't find a place to live yet. to be quite honest, i haven't been looking. i've been shamefully couch surfing and taking advantage of my friends generosity. i think i've been a hospitable mooch, tho. i try to keep my friends houses clean and bring some food and entertainment for them.
hopfully, with the money i save from not paying rent, i'll buy...
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Thanks for the lovely comment about my set !! kiss
You know you may be mooching off your friends now but you also have let most of your friends live with you. I know i used to be at the outhouse so damn much that auntie nettie thought that i was living there. I even had my own key. Anytime you need a place to stay feel free to couch hop with me for a while. It would be good to hang out with you any way.
tonight i begin the process of moving all my stuff into storage. i've decided to leave all my furniture and star up new. i have nowhere to go, so i'll be couch surfing for awhile. it's cool, tho, don't worrys bout me. i've got great friends that treat me great and vise-versa.
actualy, there have been many offers for a place to stay for a...
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How can i look for a place to live when i can't see through my own tears.
awh. don't cry. =( looking for places to live can be fun. just be positive. and if you need a hug. just let me know. i'll give you a sweet e-hug.

you dont have to say anyting interesting. signing it is wonderful. thank you so much.
i was sitting aound, bummin on my move.

i know i'm gunna rip off my current landlord. it sucks cos she's the aunt of a friend.

but then i remebered who i am.

I'm fucking Kevin Luna.
i've never made any appologie for being a dick. especialy when some one is fucking me over and i can't do anything about it. i've always treated people...
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things are good right now.
mega sex, good.

i'm really bummed about moving.

tommarrow is the first band practice in two weeks. ha-zah!
AHaha. That made me chuckle.
i was sitting aound, bummin on my move.

i know i'm gunna rip off my current landlord. it sucks cos she's the aunt of a friend.

but then i remebered who i am.

I'm fucking Kevin Luna.
i've never made any appologie for being a dick. especialy when some one is fucking me over and i can't do anything about it. i've always treated people how i wanna be treated, and Annette treats me like scum. so fine, you wanna treat me like scum, see where it gets ya.
booya. mad
i'm glad you liked my set.!
it means a lot.
mal's been really busy. her mom is driving her extra crazy. roberta and her scathing husband have been living together and getting ready to sell the house and are really annoying. all malika's stuff is in (speaking of annoying) bobby's house now. it'll be intresting to see how that l;iving situation works out, 'specialy sence bobby is such an ass.
i haven't seen malika in...
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ooo aaa That's funny and threatening the wrong person will get you draged into the woods and eaten alive in orlando...food for thought hahaha.But it's always nice to make new friends so how are you?

luci, twwly, amina...
thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my set.

i'll try to add some booty shots for ya wink haha
"Vaginas are way cool" is what it says on Vesper. I like that.

I will now go to a BBQ.

i love summers in Oakland. everyone BBQs all day. all i gotta do is follow my nose to bbq