eye'm freekin swamped at werk.
eye helped my friend move out of her ex-husbands house last night. as payment she bought me a burrito. the burrito made me sick.
wich sucks, cos normaly eye love burritos. fuck, eye gotta get back to werk.
eye got band practice latter. we gotta get smooth for the big show next week and the lil show this week.
eye've gotta lotta werk to do. songs to write. love to make.
peace, anarchy, equality, pyracy

eye helped my friend move out of her ex-husbands house last night. as payment she bought me a burrito. the burrito made me sick.

eye got band practice latter. we gotta get smooth for the big show next week and the lil show this week.
eye've gotta lotta werk to do. songs to write. love to make.
peace, anarchy, equality, pyracy

www.singers.com if your so inclinded.