eye hate someone right now.
eye hate her out off a lack of redeeming qualitys. eye hate the way she makes everyone around her feel. eye hate the way people act around her, like broken glass. eye hate looking at her and wondering what she's thinking. eye hate it when she tells me what she's thinking cos it's always pointless self-pity and usless drivle. her face is an open sore that she picks at constantly. she is the worst person eye've ever met. hideously ugly on the inside and out. eye can't wait for her to leave my life. eye never want to see her.
but she's my #1's best friend and eye'm not about to ruin a perfectly good relationship to escape this scab.
peace, anarchy, equality, pyracy
eye hate her out off a lack of redeeming qualitys. eye hate the way she makes everyone around her feel. eye hate the way people act around her, like broken glass. eye hate looking at her and wondering what she's thinking. eye hate it when she tells me what she's thinking cos it's always pointless self-pity and usless drivle. her face is an open sore that she picks at constantly. she is the worst person eye've ever met. hideously ugly on the inside and out. eye can't wait for her to leave my life. eye never want to see her.
but she's my #1's best friend and eye'm not about to ruin a perfectly good relationship to escape this scab.
peace, anarchy, equality, pyracy

Thankyou for your comment on my set! 

my daddy 's got a moustache