al hooked up the internet in his room!
it's 6:30 am and eye haven't slept all night. eye've got mothra sized butterflys in my stomach. eye can't wait to see you.
my sweet little darling.
dreaming of you kept me up all night. grinning, like a cheshire cat. giggling like a fool. melting at just the thought of your touch.
eye'm gunna try to get to sleep, but eye just don't know.
peace, anarchy, equality, pyracy
it's 6:30 am and eye haven't slept all night. eye've got mothra sized butterflys in my stomach. eye can't wait to see you.
my sweet little darling.
dreaming of you kept me up all night. grinning, like a cheshire cat. giggling like a fool. melting at just the thought of your touch.
eye'm gunna try to get to sleep, but eye just don't know.
peace, anarchy, equality, pyracy
