last night we fuckin dominated the launchpad. the bands ruled and we got sloshed. the dudes that lived there were blacked out before 10 so eye fucked with 'em as much as possible. eye was gunna start a fight, but it seemed like the wrong thing to do.
the launchpad has potential. close to a bart station, easy to find, no immideate neighbors, well decorated. it's making me think. my gears are a' turnin.
it'll have to wait. eye'm off to gilman to see ACTS OF SEDITION.
peace, anarchy, equality
the launchpad has potential. close to a bart station, easy to find, no immideate neighbors, well decorated. it's making me think. my gears are a' turnin.
it'll have to wait. eye'm off to gilman to see ACTS OF SEDITION.
peace, anarchy, equality