i'm a simple man.
my needs are easly met. i just want to be pals. i want to be in the company of people i love and respect.
there is not an ounce of self pity in me.
eye've been cutting back and it's killing me.the only thing eye've changed about myself recently is my booze intake and eye feel terrible for no reason. eye can't find the strength to get out of bed and eye can't be nice to people. even people eye like. this might be what it's like when people are fiending for cigarrettes, but eye don't smoke. eye feel... Read More
my drummer and eye droped acid before band practice last night. it wasn't enough to get really psycidelic, but eye got a lil' body high. today is tatoo day. eye post a pic when it's done.
Hey babes ... so sorry, but you've been deleted from the always wonderful "friends-list".
Its nothing personal .. I just dont really know you, and thats why Gods created that bookmark feature.
Im just not ready for this commitment now .. maybe if we take it slow, I might be ready to make that jump.
today the ored for stickers went out. soon eye will be posting my band's sticker all over this city like wildfire.
i got this years' Slingshot organizer and it has all sorts of usefull information in it. it goes from mathamatic formulas to"what to do if you get busted by the bobbys" to DIY foot massage techniques. after a long week of smashing the state,... Read More
wednesday, i get a new tatoo. i can't fucking wait.
tonihgt will be spent with the lovely malika, my girlfriend.
the last two days were deticated to rocking my brains out. $hort Changed played new years eve and day and we're all tired now. i never thought i'd look forward to not playing, even for just one day.
time to be entertaining.
after last night's post, i ran to my ffriend's house so we could duct tape my pal to a chair and force feed him a bottle of rum. we didn't have duct tape so we suran wraped him to a chair. it was kinda sad. but i like that way we all knew that he could bust out of that suran wrap at any time,... Read More
i've had a good year doing things that i like. lot's of playing music and working with bands. roading ang writing songs. everybody has to keep busy, otherwise you get bored to soon. if i keep this up i'll be on tour soon, traveling constanly and meeting people al over the counrty. i love making friends and seeing freinds. (crystal, i'm taking about you.) i've... Read More