I noticed a bit ago that it's been YEARS since I've been tattooed. ALMOST SEVEN YEARS.
utter bullshit, I say. I have all these plans for tattoos I want but never can afford, I wish my hubby knew how to tattoo, so at the very least I could offer up an arm or a leg and bat my lashes at him and with the sweetest voice say "please, another tattoo?...." Unfortunately.... not gonna happen that way.
So instead I told him that we aren't going to buy any more camping/fishing/hunting gear until I get another tattoo.
Which is like grabbing a man by the balls and twisting ever so slightly until I get what I want.
But I'm okay with that, because really I should have enough moolah to get my sleeve started in about 2 months. Since about every two weeks we drop near 200 bucks at the sporting goods store on camping and fishing and hunting gear. I don't know what else we could possibly need for the outdoors other than a tent, a sleeping bag, and a good sense of adventure but I'm sure we've acquired it by now.
In other news, I've lost another 12 lbs! I believe most of it was in my ass though, as it's gotten relatively flat. I'll have to do more squats and fire hydrants. Yuck. My boobs are still enormous so there's no loss there, still rockin the DD's. My belly is disappearing though and my thighs are getting thinner which is what I really wanted out of all this exercising and eating better. Since I know I'll never be able to give up meat entirely as I love it so, I decided to eat only raw organic fruits and veggies during the day, and at dinner when I have to cook a nice big meat filled dinner for the hubby I eat a small portion of meat and then more raw veggies. So far it's working out pretty well.
Since the snow is melting and everything is icing over as it does here in alaska for spring time, I do believe it's time I started taking bellydancing classes, I do enough of it it every day in my living room but I really want to take a class and get better at it. Hopefully the instructor wont notice that I'm stoned in dance class though. I find that I move better to the music when I'm high as a kite haha
thats all for now. =)
utter bullshit, I say. I have all these plans for tattoos I want but never can afford, I wish my hubby knew how to tattoo, so at the very least I could offer up an arm or a leg and bat my lashes at him and with the sweetest voice say "please, another tattoo?...." Unfortunately.... not gonna happen that way.
So instead I told him that we aren't going to buy any more camping/fishing/hunting gear until I get another tattoo.
Which is like grabbing a man by the balls and twisting ever so slightly until I get what I want.
But I'm okay with that, because really I should have enough moolah to get my sleeve started in about 2 months. Since about every two weeks we drop near 200 bucks at the sporting goods store on camping and fishing and hunting gear. I don't know what else we could possibly need for the outdoors other than a tent, a sleeping bag, and a good sense of adventure but I'm sure we've acquired it by now.
In other news, I've lost another 12 lbs! I believe most of it was in my ass though, as it's gotten relatively flat. I'll have to do more squats and fire hydrants. Yuck. My boobs are still enormous so there's no loss there, still rockin the DD's. My belly is disappearing though and my thighs are getting thinner which is what I really wanted out of all this exercising and eating better. Since I know I'll never be able to give up meat entirely as I love it so, I decided to eat only raw organic fruits and veggies during the day, and at dinner when I have to cook a nice big meat filled dinner for the hubby I eat a small portion of meat and then more raw veggies. So far it's working out pretty well.
Since the snow is melting and everything is icing over as it does here in alaska for spring time, I do believe it's time I started taking bellydancing classes, I do enough of it it every day in my living room but I really want to take a class and get better at it. Hopefully the instructor wont notice that I'm stoned in dance class though. I find that I move better to the music when I'm high as a kite haha
thats all for now. =)