So last night I went to Reggae night at the Redfish here in Boulder. It was soooooooo AWESOME! I love reggae, it's so political, yet chill at the same time! I drank a bunch of beer and danced for like two hours! I love it! It's every Wednesday night, so if there are any local members or SG's, you should definately come and check it... Read More
I's Sunday and I'm heading into Denver for the Taste of Colorado with my family. It should be fun. I lived in Denver for about two years and I only ever walked around it to get to work, never actually been through the Taste. We're excited because it's a good opportunity to use the new camera!
Speaking of the new camera, I may shoot a... Read More
Love your new 'pic' caught me off gard for a sec.
Yeah Snow Angel could f-ing dance -would pay $$$ to learn some of her moves,
hope to see her in the winter at the next one
So I'm keeping my fingers crossed super tight. Why? Because I want to see Rage Against the Machine at the Democratic convention here in Denver. We've entered into the ticket lottery and I'm begging the gods to let me go!!! I need to see them, argh!
Anyway, can't complain much about life right now. I got the department transfer I wanted at my work, so... Read More
Back to work today. It was a pretty good weekend! Friday night we went out, I'm so bummed I didn't bring the camera, but oh well! We ended up missing the last bus that ran, so we walked home, probably about an hour walk. It was fun, the last leg we found a grocery cart! You know what drunks plus abandoned grocery carts equals! Fun... Read More
honestly, I think it's so weir how some women treat other women. Going into your house and ignoring you whilst hittin on your man. So not cool. I bet she didn't think she did anything wrong. Luckily for me, I'm a really huge bitch. So I just do stuff like make out with my man in front of those type of girls.
Ugh I hate those silly *unts too! Those women who don't even have consideration for other women... I've known a lot like them... still do actually and they piss me the hell off!!!!!
Ahhhh....snuck out of work early today (again ), but, man, it feels good to be home. It's like a special pot den that makes me forget about the outside world.
Nothing new here really. Life as usual. But I wish it would RAIN!!! This heat is unbearable. Ugh.
Wow, that looks so good, I'm really jealous, don't think we have them! Went to a Medieval festival once, that was pretty spectacular! I love your clothes too x