Yeah, haven't posted anything in a while. Well, still in Maryland, working at the Naval Academy, though that may change next year. I now have 20 months until I retire from the Navy, and in about a year and a half, I've gone from weighing 230lbs, to a new low of 204lbs. Huzzah! This is also a big month because my kid is gonna be 4 on the 20th. Can you freaking believe it?! I can't!
More Blogs
Sunday Jan 27, 2008
Alright, it's my first blog of 2008, good times. Things are going pr… -
Tuesday Nov 20, 2007
Well just got back from leave, was gone for two weeks. My brother go… -
Tuesday Nov 06, 2007
Okay all, I'm in Miami on leave. My brother is getting married, and … -
Sunday Jul 01, 2007
Damn, it's been a while since I've posted, aye? I'm STILL a geek! T… -
Thursday Jan 25, 2007
Yeah, I'm actually posting. And yeah, I know it's been awhile, but I… -
Monday Jan 01, 2007
I've got a girlfriend now, WOOOOHOOOO! -
Tuesday Aug 22, 2006
I finally got a car! Wooooohoooo! I got a '03 Volkswagen Passat. … -
Sunday Jul 23, 2006
I am FINALLY getting the rest of my furniture on Monday. I've been i… -
Wednesday Jun 21, 2006
Not much going on, it's 0150 and I just got home from work. I'm stil…