Yeah, haven't posted anything in a while. Well, still in Maryland, working at the Naval Academy, though that may change next year. I now have 20 months until I retire from the Navy, and in about a year and a half, I've gone from weighing 230lbs, to a new low of 204lbs. Huzzah! This is also a big month because my kid is gonna be...
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Alrighty then peeps, here's and update. We've moved into a nice looking townhouse in Annapolis, MD, not too far from where I'm gonna work. We're just waiting now for our big Household Goods shipment. So, how's eveyone doing? Stop by and say hi!
Finally, after three LONG years stationed overseas, the family and I are back in the states. I'll be stationed in Annapolis for the last two years of my career. So, if you're in the area, stop by the profile and say hey!
Hey, been a while since my last blog, so here's an update. My son turned three, and is now a punk-ass toddler. We're transferring back to the states in May, and I'll be stationed in Annapolis for my last two years in the Navy, and then I retire with twenty years. Yeah, that's about it. What's up with the rest of youse people?
you get to retire within 20 yrs? did i read that incorrectly? if that's true...that's fuggin awesome!
Yeah, June 2014 I hit my twenty year mark.
Hey all my peeps, a quick update. We have roughly seven months left here on this rock until we transfer to the states. My kid is gonna be three in November, ALREADY! Also, he started peeing/pooping in his potty, SUCCESS! Yes, I'm gonna end my blog on a peeing/pooping note!
Impressive. Hopefully I get a chance to meet the fam when you get out here.
Well, we just had another typhoon roll over us. It actually stopped and sat on us for a while. I was stuck at work for over 50 hours! UGH! So, how are all of my peeps out there in SG land?
Which is worse: Being stuck in a typhoon or being at work for 50 hours?

What're you talking about? I was in both!
Hey all, how goes it. Not much new going on here, unless you count my vasectomy and the Typhoon-like winds we've been having. What, my vasectomy? Well, it went fairly well, if you don't consider the fact that they had to inject my scrotum with a local three times instead of the usual two. As of now, I'm achy and slow moving. Hopefully it doesn't...
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aw dude! feel better soon!!!!!!
It could be worse....atleast you dont have to get your guts yanked later on down the road. Hows it been Mac?
Hey all, just a quick update. We're doing okay WAY over here, got less than ten months until we transfer back to the states, and it can't come quick enough. Typhoon clean up is STILL going on over here on the base, giant branches, uproot trees and such. And to think, that Typhoon was just before the start of the official season. It lasts until...
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Well, looks like Typhoon season is a bit early this year in Okinawa. We got one that should hit land later this afternoon.....great.
Well, I fucking busted my knee again yesterday doing my job. Was inspecting a commercial vehicle, and when I jumped down from the step up, my knee buckled inward. Re-injured my LCL. I originally injured the same knee this month last year, what the bloody fuck?! Okay SG land, I know some good thoughts from all of youse peoples so my knee can heal up...
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ow! it getting any better?
Not much new going on her on the island, got about 13 months left before the family and I transfer back to the states. It cannot get here fast enough, cuz this place su-ucks! I can start looking for orders between 12 and 9 months left. I'd like to get back to the West Coast, but that might not be feasible with her family in...
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Hey to all my peeps on SG! In case you haven't heard, Japan just had a massive earthquake, numerous aftershocks, and the whole Pacific has dealt with Tsunamis. For those of you that know the family and I are stationed on Okinawa, no worries, we're all fine. The quake happened on the Northeast part of the mainland, we're stationed on an island southwest of the...
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Thank goodness you're okay!