I think it's weird... My girlfriend says she hates babies... now she's asking questions as if she has baby fever... should I be worried? happy?? I just don't want to over think it but to go from on to the other so fast I can't help but to think
I've been busy but I had a great time at the Fan Expo last weekend. I always stop by the SG booth to say hi even though no one knows me however this year I did get to see Luscious... just about the hotest SG member out there and that fact is even more apparent in person. I was disapointed with the Autograph section mainly...
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I love savini's work. I grew up watching stuff he worked on. But Oh well... gave me more money to spend on things I don't need... lol
So I was wondering how I can be so large and still feel invisible to the ones who matter... Oh well... I can still have fun while invisible... just think of the posibilities... sneaking into the girls locker room.... well I'm getting up in years so did that sound as creepy as it does here in my head? Oh well who cares... lol So I...
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No, one should always be a gentleman in the workplace.
I'm hearing alot about zombies lately... or news articles about people being bitten by other people. I don't know but it feels like the zombie apocolypse is imminent. It'll all begin when nobody expects. I already have a sweet little plan in place. Get ready for it people... cause when it happens I can't save you all... I'll only help you if your hot... lol...
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How are you?
It's 2009 and I hope everyone had a great year's end. I got the new year off to a crappy start being I was sick and all but I say that was just my body purging all the bad from the previous year... lol I just made that up but it sounds cool. I need to fix my car find a new and cool job...
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I feel like the spark that made me a nice and loveable guy is fading. I've been taking on a new jobs as a laugh one was a christmas temp and that was disaster... and the new pain in my ass is a seasonal position at a pumpkin farm. I applied to have fun while working but it's turning out that dealing with the public...
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Well then sour puss! Hopefully the holidays treated you better than Hallowe'en did!
Well I went and had one hell of a night in the falls... I rented a room at the top of clifton and just had a great time.
This is weird, of all things to wake up to right now... lol Thunder and lightening? I guess it's starting to be that time of year but I never expected it while snow is still on the ground. lol
Hey my Bubble Bath Fun set is up for review please check it out and let me know what u think

Ok, So I was listening to Howard Stern today and I heard a clip of a guy who was crying about some of the things that were being said about Britney Spears... and wow. look it up on youtube... leave britney alone or something like that. I only mention that cause I don't think I have ever been a fan of someone that I would...
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Even funnier is the Seth Green spoof of that guy doing that. Also on you-tube
Well this past weekend I went to the Fanexpo in TO. I thought it was great as always however I think adam west was asking too much for an autograph. However if you can get $50 for your signature who whoun't charge that. I was able to get my personal hero's autograph... George Romero. I think that's the main reason for going... of course there...
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ugh i totally wanted to go!!!!!!!!! i gt super sick
i planned on getting adam wests autograph and then getting a tat of it! lol im ubsessed
haha also chrisma carpenter! =) im so bummed i didnt get to go...
* sadness!