I'm having the most difficult time deciding what phone to get. I can't seem to make any decisions lately.

Today Johanna said the funniest thing when we were watching some emo kids at the park by the castle. "Shouldn't they, like, explode when they're in the sun? They should blow up like a balloon and just go, POOF....and be gone."
"What? That's pretty mean. Why?"
"You know like when trolls get sun on them, they explode. They're allergic to the sun."
"They are? What do trolls have to do with it?"
"But look at them. They just don't look like they can take any sunlight. They're all pale and dressed in black."
"Yeah, they probably don't like to get tanned. They're sad."
But seriously. Our town is getting invaded by these kids. There weren't that many when I was 14. I looked ridiculous in a completely different fashion. Or well, ok, quite similar. The police came and the kids threw away their wine and beer bottles. The police officers walked past me, Johanna and Jessica, looked at us, and greeted us with a friendly "Hello!". This is like the 157th thing this summer that's made me feel old.
There was the discussions about the best coffee, best dark chocolate, and best beer kinds (no longer cheapest!). There was the suggestion of going to the coast for a weekend of fishing, Ellen going with her boyfriend canoing, the talks about the best weeks of the summer to go on holiday (people have jobs these days, and take out their vacations in the summer, instead of working in the summers). Meeting for a lunch, going to museums and guided tours, art shows, the list goes on. Soon people will be having kids and getting married. Makes me feel like I'm more like the 14 year olds in the park.

Today Johanna said the funniest thing when we were watching some emo kids at the park by the castle. "Shouldn't they, like, explode when they're in the sun? They should blow up like a balloon and just go, POOF....and be gone."
"What? That's pretty mean. Why?"
"You know like when trolls get sun on them, they explode. They're allergic to the sun."
"They are? What do trolls have to do with it?"
"But look at them. They just don't look like they can take any sunlight. They're all pale and dressed in black."
"Yeah, they probably don't like to get tanned. They're sad."
But seriously. Our town is getting invaded by these kids. There weren't that many when I was 14. I looked ridiculous in a completely different fashion. Or well, ok, quite similar. The police came and the kids threw away their wine and beer bottles. The police officers walked past me, Johanna and Jessica, looked at us, and greeted us with a friendly "Hello!". This is like the 157th thing this summer that's made me feel old.
There was the discussions about the best coffee, best dark chocolate, and best beer kinds (no longer cheapest!). There was the suggestion of going to the coast for a weekend of fishing, Ellen going with her boyfriend canoing, the talks about the best weeks of the summer to go on holiday (people have jobs these days, and take out their vacations in the summer, instead of working in the summers). Meeting for a lunch, going to museums and guided tours, art shows, the list goes on. Soon people will be having kids and getting married. Makes me feel like I'm more like the 14 year olds in the park.

I think you should definitely take pictures of fish. Fish rule