3/20: What skills and activities are you occupying yourself with during the quarantine?
hello sgland
are now in quarantine from 10 March.
in this long period I have done many activities, that is, I have done the big cleaning, how to clean over the furniture, emptied the various cupboards and cleaned the various contents, cleaned the chandeliers, arranged the wardrobes and prepared the old clothes to donate to charity, finished the various cleanings I started training by trying to follow the apps, I am improving my English, I still have not started reading books but since I still have to stay at home for a little soon I could start, also, I have a passion of mine that is the embroidery and I'm thinking of embroidering something for the grandchildren who will soon arrive.
there are many, many activities that can be done at home and it is true that it is not easy to stay at home after so long, but one must think about the common good and respect the rules.
peace and love
@rambo @missy
Lots of reading
@pewo62 thank you too