i've been avoidin the interwebz lately...mainly cuz my home computer is dyin a slow,painful death...i have to be easy with the ibook, cuz if it dies i will be punished by 5 day workweeks & a very tormentful scheduling process...
puppy took me grocery shoppin yesterday...i loves/hates these experiences...it sucks to require numerous stores & still not get all i wanted....and i hate bravin these adventures in the snow...and the cold....but i do love havin a fully stocked kitchen....esp. since it's pretty clean too...here's hopin we can keep it that way
...the employee xmas party @ work is comin up next weekend & i always do extensive bakin so i been enjoyin a lil warmup...peach cobbler & napoleon cremes last night....maybe some more to do....thinkin bout pumpkin bread or pumpkin pie or chocolate cake or lotsa other options..
...i do indeed enjoy dancin in the kitchen with my inner betty....
the roku now has pandora internet radio on it so i'm tryin to learn to love it as well in the computer's limpin status...
also, we've been taken over...
apparently we have a laundry monkey on our backs that we can't be rid of...curses!
maybe i just need a maid...or motivation....or both
now tis time...

puppy took me grocery shoppin yesterday...i loves/hates these experiences...it sucks to require numerous stores & still not get all i wanted....and i hate bravin these adventures in the snow...and the cold....but i do love havin a fully stocked kitchen....esp. since it's pretty clean too...here's hopin we can keep it that way

the roku now has pandora internet radio on it so i'm tryin to learn to love it as well in the computer's limpin status...
also, we've been taken over...

apparently we have a laundry monkey on our backs that we can't be rid of...curses!
maybe i just need a maid...or motivation....or both

now tis time...

which betty is inside you?