so i've been recently workin 4 day work weeks & gettin my hours in thanks to some 12 hour or more shifts...last week, i only worked 3 days & had 37's kinda nice to get it outta the way quickly & relax..left early tonight since twasn't too busy..just hope i don't miss too much of those overtime hours on the paychecks

....i shall admit to tryin to avoid the place quite a bit lately for many reasons..we're goin to get audited any day now, i hate audits...esp since one of our main auditors is an ex-GM of mine who never really liked me...she's nice enough now, but she's a bitch really, you can tell it by lookin at her...and i'm an asshole cuz i am slightly amused at the fact she became an audiotr after gettin smashed in the face with the butt of a shotgun during a robbery as a GM

....other reasons for avoidin the place include the behavior of the minions lately...there's this misconception that since i tend to pull the puppet strings 90% of the time that i'm the boss...i'm not....cuz if i were, i'd pity these people indeed

...the decisions i have to enforce are being held against me & i'm bein treated poorly by the staff for doin my job, which i do damn well i might add

....i also feel that others in management need to step up their game, so maybe if i back down they might step up...tis doubtful since one keeps threatening to quit & the newest guy is a drunk i'm quite convinced who has experience at a 2 screen but can't grasp the sprawlingness of more that is this theatre with all it's corporate chokeholds...there's also the fact that my boss shall be headed to annual GM gathering in Vegas in april & i'll be playin figurehead without the authority yet again...and he has oral surgery comin up in i know he'll be callin on me for alot in the coming months so why not take it easy when i can

...i really do want to recruit some trainable quality management for this theatre, but let's be honest- who wants to go through a background check & have a shit-ton of responsibility for barely over $10 an hr to start?

i only do it cuz i make more than that & tis almost like a second nature to i do get some control that is quite pleasing...i make my own schedule & everyone else's...i do all the hiring except for management but i have serious input on that aspect too...we have a pretty rancid application pool for the most part...we've been firing alot of the staff lately for stupid shit like watchin movies on the clock, doin shifty things with money like makin change for customers outta their own pockets & collectin
tip piles( we don't accept tips, scoopin popcorn ain't rocket science)

, alot of tardiness issues, disappearin on the clock, & general irresponsible,crackhead like beahvior yeah...turnover rates been a bitch lately...