so i should really do some kind of actual update....i've been quite disgruntled & kinda depressed as of late...i dunno why...i can't explain & tis a hard thing to's boss is outta town yet again & i'm in charge...tis hard to get my team of assistant managers there to put forth alot of effort to help make my life easier...i held a manager meeting on monday to try & coax them into such...i don't think it'll be too effective since most of em were late & all were chatty during the meeting...*sighs*'s kinda like i'm playin gm far too often & gettin paid far too lil with not enough cooperation to facilitate the requirements of the function....
plus, i'm stuck organizing our holiday party at work & hostin yet another staff meetin alone on saturday
... i did however apply for another job recently
i'm extremely qualified for it but i have this naggin doubt that i shall ever hear anything about's a posh soundin position in an environment that's both extremely comfortable yet pleasantly foreign in ways....
...but as i said, i'm not optimistic...lil ms.optimism never really wants to hang out with me much..she's like all the other girls i suppose, i prolly scare her off when i come on a lil strong
my puppy is ever soo patient with me, even when he doesn't understand or even seem to be patient at the time....i dunno if i could ever appreciate him more
sometimes i'm a mess & ever sooo hard to tolerate..but at least he tries & continues to keep me
he's done some really awesome things over our weekend to try & bring up my spirits....he took me to the dr. for my "please no babies shot"...we looked at new glasses for me, which has been something we've been attemptin to do for months now
...we found a pair of lovely bright green ones that i'm quite interested in...i may try to get them soon but i just fear that they're too bright & a lil overwhelmin maybe...but they're a good price & i do so adore the shade of green they are
....puppy also took me to get waffles with ice cream
...then later we went for yummy thai food...that was involved attemptin to fix the laptop at the apple genius's a lil better but the most important part of the visit wasn't accomplished...i need excel to operate in a proper manner-pronto!...i bought the laptop for work purposes,specifically for the schedule which is done in excel...but my excel has crapped out....anybody a good pirate or just wanna be a doll & hook me up with a free version of microsoft office for mac?
...i'd be your bestest bestest friend forever & ever & ever
....movin on....puppy took me to buca di beppo today!
i loves it...but.....there was no frank playing, they have actual menus now
, they no longer have our fave dish on the menu,they changed the bruschetta & i fear their aquisition by planet hollywood could eventually cause their demise in my eyes....the food was still yummy, esp. the tiramisu...the day was topped off with some shoppin at trader joe's followed by my fave beverage from the coffee studio
i've been scarce here lately for a few reasons....i feel a lil like nobody even notices when i'm not...but maybe that's cuz they're used to it lately...i, i feel the need to spend all my free time tryin to live life in real time...cuz i totally feel like i suck at livin life lately & the only thing i've been good at is workin
i don't really have any friends here in chicago...
my vacation wasn't anything exciting...most of my old friends back home basically didn't oblige my lack of transportation, i saw very few of them & did nothin of real interest...i slept alot, i ate alot, i laid on the couch at mom's, i did some babysitting, i went back to my hometown to see some family....i visited my favoritest uncle who had a very large part in my upbringing as a child & was sad that i didn't have more time to spend with him...he is now legally blind in his left eye & can barely see outta his right...i can hear his obvious emphysema when i sit near him, which both his brother & uncle now have, plus his mother died from....but my mom & both her brothers still smoke
...the whole travel experience was pretty lame-layovers,delays,broken luggage, waiting at airports, long drives to airports back home, expensiveness, & general discontent
i could rant & ramble lots more about many other aspects of my trip...which i may do some other time...but...right now i'm off to watch the episode of heroes that i'm behind on & get some rest before my 14 or so hour day tomorrow
....until next time gang....
i been feelin like elle as of late...tis shockin indeed...
p.s......i fuckin hate the cold
and static isn't too cool lately either since it's kinda become me as of late

my puppy is ever soo patient with me, even when he doesn't understand or even seem to be patient at the time....i dunno if i could ever appreciate him more

i've been scarce here lately for a few reasons....i feel a lil like nobody even notices when i'm not...but maybe that's cuz they're used to it lately...i, i feel the need to spend all my free time tryin to live life in real time...cuz i totally feel like i suck at livin life lately & the only thing i've been good at is workin

my vacation wasn't anything exciting...most of my old friends back home basically didn't oblige my lack of transportation, i saw very few of them & did nothin of real interest...i slept alot, i ate alot, i laid on the couch at mom's, i did some babysitting, i went back to my hometown to see some family....i visited my favoritest uncle who had a very large part in my upbringing as a child & was sad that i didn't have more time to spend with him...he is now legally blind in his left eye & can barely see outta his right...i can hear his obvious emphysema when i sit near him, which both his brother & uncle now have, plus his mother died from....but my mom & both her brothers still smoke

i been feelin like elle as of late...tis shockin indeed...
p.s......i fuckin hate the cold

SG events are a good thing, hey it helped me get a job.
And it's a big city thing you kinda get detached that's why I think I had trouble in smaller towns because everyone did know everyone else I mean i'm friendly enough but it's hard to make friends as you get older and who to trust...wait 'till summer we'll go play volleyball and SGC has cookouts and stuff.
But if you need to vent, you know I'm around.