you know what....this is bullshit....i'm all for gay rights....i'm all for civil rights in general...but i'm not for a corporation havin the right the tell it's employees what to do with their i appalled by alan stock?HELL YES!....but do i feel boycotting the entire company that had nothing to do with his personal decision on how to use his personal funds?HELL NO!....cuz if people stop comin to the theatre, alan stock will still get paid....but the entire array of LGBT employees of the company stand the risk of losing hours, wages, & possibly even a community, i wish we could pick our battles a lil more wisely and think about who we might actually hurt in the process...i'm annoyed by all this...and i'm tired....and for the record....i think harvey milk himself woulda agreed with me...p.s....i liked the movie
I'm not sure I understand the public/private split in your argument^^wether or not he used private funds is irrelevant, the man is financially support the oppression of a population that he'll turn around and make profit from. Not just that he'll be making money off the legacy of Milk Harvey. It's fucking ironic really.
I totally agree that we have to look out for the labor force but i think this ban is an amazing way to send a message to Stock without hurting "little guy"