so it tends to happen that when life is frustrating me lots i have a few specific movies i turn to for comfort...such as the following...i identify quite well with the whole bum experience in the following...
i tend to be a bit of an asshole & thanks to the distraction of my ipod, i avoid alot of such types of encounters
so when i do finally get my day off on tuesday, i will have worked 14 straight days without such boss & his wife had their baby on monday so i had to work on tuesday to cover for him...then i found out that this food manager certification class i was supposed to take but had been told was cancelled was indeed still happening & that i had to be there wed & thurs all day & today @ 9am for an exam... i took the class, which for someone with a bit of a raw meat phobia was kinda torture-lots of slides or movies with either raw or undercooked meat, discussion of handlin & preparin raw meat, & discussion plus learning of all the food poisionin type stuffs that can come from meat.. ...but hey, we vegetarians aren't exempt....tofu, rice, pasta & veggies can cause such things too ...i won't find out for like at least 4 weeks if i passed...but i better have or i'll be pissed...
speakin of pissed, the beforementioned douchebag at work is really gettin under my skin as of are alot of the employees...we have a staff meeting bright & early tomorrow...not gonna be fun stuffs
i've been thinkin alot lately of the simple things i want....i want a day to sleep in & i mean REALLY sleep in....i wants to cook.....i wants to unpack...i wants to go grocery shoppin...i wants a day to spend in bed...i wants rain boots...i wants some new spiffy pjs....i want to be stalked by my muse & actually write something...i want to be able to keep up with my library shit, actually i'd like the library here to not suck first...i want to survive the eventual nonlovely weather that shall come & maybe get a lil warm in my heart.....
and really.....what's with the economy & inflation?
i tend to be a bit of an asshole & thanks to the distraction of my ipod, i avoid alot of such types of encounters
so when i do finally get my day off on tuesday, i will have worked 14 straight days without such boss & his wife had their baby on monday so i had to work on tuesday to cover for him...then i found out that this food manager certification class i was supposed to take but had been told was cancelled was indeed still happening & that i had to be there wed & thurs all day & today @ 9am for an exam... i took the class, which for someone with a bit of a raw meat phobia was kinda torture-lots of slides or movies with either raw or undercooked meat, discussion of handlin & preparin raw meat, & discussion plus learning of all the food poisionin type stuffs that can come from meat.. ...but hey, we vegetarians aren't exempt....tofu, rice, pasta & veggies can cause such things too ...i won't find out for like at least 4 weeks if i passed...but i better have or i'll be pissed...
speakin of pissed, the beforementioned douchebag at work is really gettin under my skin as of are alot of the employees...we have a staff meeting bright & early tomorrow...not gonna be fun stuffs
i've been thinkin alot lately of the simple things i want....i want a day to sleep in & i mean REALLY sleep in....i wants to cook.....i wants to unpack...i wants to go grocery shoppin...i wants a day to spend in bed...i wants rain boots...i wants some new spiffy pjs....i want to be stalked by my muse & actually write something...i want to be able to keep up with my library shit, actually i'd like the library here to not suck first...i want to survive the eventual nonlovely weather that shall come & maybe get a lil warm in my heart.....
and really.....what's with the economy & inflation?
soon i'll be needin some of this...
but for now...i leave you with this wonderful fantastic video which is one of my all-time faves....
I REALLY hope that you passed that certification class!
So I just got home from the bar, got online, and thought i should tell you, we need to seirously hang out some day! You are one of my favorite internet peps! Hope all is well in chicago.....I'm drunk in boston.......good night!