betty crocker ain't got shit on me!
so yeah...another dreaded early morn staff meetin tomorrow where i reaffirm the belief that part of my job is babysitting
damned teenage kids don't understand what a work schedule is
...but i do get to betty it up in the kitchen before these things which makes me far today i made cream cheese brownies, chocolate chip streusel muffins, a honey bun cake, & i'm debatin makin somethin else too
we shall see if i do since i'm waitin on the puppy to get home to put me in my sex coma massive ahead
i keep hearing more & more about the neighborhood we moved to....this might sum it up....
yeah...that's right...i live in the jungle....and you know...bein a raver kid....this should be sooo much cooler than it actually is....
and there are no pimpin suits like these guys have...cuz i'd soo wear one of these to work
you know....these guys prolly feel me....
okie....enough about that.....let's talk about my super geekiness....
yeah, i'm kinda stoked about this...
and of course i'm stoked for other things too....xfiles2, dark knight, wall-e, & mores...
like this...
and this...i started readin the book back before i moved & didn't get to finish it....and it's my understanding so far that the chicago library is kinda faily....who wants to buy me books? i rambled....i overloaded you on youtubes.....and i should get back to the kitchen....but first i wanna make one thing clear...
i love my puppy!
....and case you wanted....

so yeah...another dreaded early morn staff meetin tomorrow where i reaffirm the belief that part of my job is babysitting massive ahead

i keep hearing more & more about the neighborhood we moved to....this might sum it up....
yeah...that's right...i live in the jungle....and you know...bein a raver kid....this should be sooo much cooler than it actually is....
and there are no pimpin suits like these guys have...cuz i'd soo wear one of these to work

you know....these guys prolly feel me....
okie....enough about that.....let's talk about my super geekiness....
yeah, i'm kinda stoked about this...
and of course i'm stoked for other things too....xfiles2, dark knight, wall-e, & mores...
like this...
and this...i started readin the book back before i moved & didn't get to finish it....and it's my understanding so far that the chicago library is kinda faily....who wants to buy me books? i rambled....i overloaded you on youtubes.....and i should get back to the kitchen....but first i wanna make one thing clear...
i love my puppy!

....and case you wanted....
Your doctor wears dreads? Neato.
I didn't actually watch the videos, but left some instead.
Classic Praga Khan
Technoviking for President in '08!